35 Reviews liked by Peahead

(i'm counting every DLC including repentance in this)

after playing this game over and over for more than 9 years, i can't believe i finally saw the final ending of a game that has defined me in so many aspects of my life.
i have to say i got a bit emotional during the last cutscene, (even though i had a mod installed that replaced the beast with a cat lol).

now, time to do the 100%

most evil thing ever done was adding spiders that are all absolutely the most annoying and inconvenient enemy to date

"I GOTTA get my dick sucked"

A game I know isn't perfect, but I don't care. It's perfect in my eyes. No More Heroes is a great hack-n-slash game with gratifying visuals, visceral combat, and a supremely interesting story that has a lot for both people that want a fun, simple adventure, and people that want a deep, profound narrative.

The game has a lot to say about how witnessing death can change you as a person, and it's firstly disguised as a goofy action game. This and the director's previous game "killer7" heavily influenced me as a teenager and what I look for in a video game's story.

The Wii version is the most authentic experience, but the Switch version is mostly competent while sporting a better framerate. PC version is very rough and doesn't even include kb+m controls.

This game exemplifies "you had to be there," nobody playing this for the first time any later than 2012 will understand the appeal at all.

Patch the catfish boomerang infinite XP exploit back in, you cowards.

This game made a girl I liked all through high school think that I was gay because my friends and I (who were 14) would refer to this game as Asshole Smashers.

We were obsessed with the game and for the longest time we would refer to hanging out after school as "going to go smash assholes" or "gonna go smash" or " have a gay orgy". The Smashing Assholes activity stuck for the entirety of high school; along with 4 years worth of terrible asshole smashing jokes -- that to a completely normal girl who wasn't in on the joke the whole time, might be convinced we were just openly gay and announcing sexual activities from the energy we were bringing to every conversation that involved hanging out and playing video games.

We refused to talk about video games at school without coded language because we went to a Catholic school and our form of rebellion was being as homosexual as possible. The fun part is like five years out of high school, one of my friends from that group announced they WERE gay, which is probably why he used Pink Knight so much. Hell yeah.

Anyway this is Behemoth's best game. You can tell they are not in the biz entirely for money because they could have made like 5 of these and they would have done well.

I wish they would make another. The couch/online co-op game is weak right now.

what are we some kinda castle crashers

Why dont we just sterilize the population?

middle aged man solves all his life problems by escaping in fantasy land of his own making

best platformer I have played in years.

p ranked every level and lost an ounce of my sanity