I mean if you love pressing the space bar for 2 hours then you'll love this game.

The controls are a little slippery but it's alright one you get used to it, very fun game.

So like imagine Mario Kart but it's more chaotic and has Sonic.

The ending felt a little rushed but other than that, it's just as good (if not better) than the games that preceeded it.

Most Ace Attorney games have at least one weak episode, but all the episodes in this game are bangers. It manages to handle several characters arcs in a way that doesn't feel bloated, and the ending feels satisfying and concludes each character's arc very well. I've heard many people say this game is nonsensical, but in my opinion, nothing in this game feels out of place in this series. My only issue is that the game just refuses to shut up about "the dark age of the law," but after a while I just got used to it. I also really appreciate all of the quality of life changes made to the investigations, making them feel like less of a chore. Dual Destinies is by far the best game in the series.

Literally the perfect conclusion to the entire series, not as good as Dual Destinies but it's still a banger. All of the trials were really good, although I wish episodes 2 and 4 were longer. I will admit, this game handled it's theme way better than Dual Destinies because it managed to properly integrate the issue into the plot instead of just saying it's there.

Despite the structure being a little wonky and it feeling like it only exists to set up the sequel, The Great Ace Attorney is still one of the best games in the series and I'd recommend playing it. The characters are fun, the setting is cool, and the music is really good (as expected from this series).

The Great Ace Attorney 2 takes everything set up in the first game and improves and expands on it exponentially. With that, I would not only say that it's the perfect sequel, but it's also the perfect Ace Attorney game period. Everything from the story, the structure, and the music is an improvement from the previous games.

The best Ace Attorney game plus its predecessor in one package, remastered in HD with bonus content. I would highly recommend this for anyone, even if you haven't played the previous games.

It's fine. The weakest case in the game but it's nothing bad.

A fun reuinion story and a neat epilogue for Spirit of Justice. It's fitting that the last case in the main series brings back the cast from the first game (except gumshoe, where is he???).

The classic Ace Attorney trilogy but now in HD. Nice.