felt like reading the chatlog of some 13 year olds on Discord

It does not have the devious little creature being up for mischief, which turns into something representing the biblically accurate depiction of angels, but it's better that way ig.

In a last ditch effort in order to not be associated with with Xeno 2, they fired each and every person responsible for the ost of that game, while making the plot be digestable enough for kindergardeners. (will update if it gets better. atm: game peaked in Chapter 2)

hush bad. Greed mode is also something probably created while Edmund Mcmillen the little fucker was thinking about how to make something as unpleasent as possible. Do I regret having basically sacrificed about a Quarter of my available memory to know almost all of the niche interactions / effects? Yeah I do

The DLC tells you not to rape some random person from the streets. Pretty wholesome chungus 100 message for a below mediocre game about shooting weird dancing girls in a nightclub with milk to soak their clothes as wet as possible making them, as the name implies, wet girls

actually good port. Don't know why it landed on the 3ds instead of the switch but that's irrelevant. My biggest problem is that fucking demon bugger shitty ass mode (devilish mode idfk what it's called). Why is it a requirement for 100%? Just why? The concept behind it is neato and I dig it. Adding "Difficulty" to an ez game. Cool! It's just integrated in a very dumb way. There are these 5 crystal shards on the touchscreen and if you get hit, you lose one. Get hit - you lose one. Take all 5 of em to the end of the level and earn prizes. Also uh there is some hyperpornographic little fucker periodically spawning somewhere. Every about 15 seconds the great "10 hours of comfy nintendo music to empty your head to" playlist just stops to have this stupid, annoying DÜMDÜDÜDÜMDÜM, DÜDÜDÜDÜMDÜM, DÜM DÜM DÜM DÜ DÜM DÜDÜDÜM. From this actually ok track you will most likely almost never get past the first 10 secs. It is so goshdarn annoying. The devil himself is ez. He isn't that big of a shot. Clearing the level in the devilish difficulty nets you the normal clear and progress in form of the crystals that you took with you over da finish line. Well. Shitty rng-dependant hits will fuck you over rather harshly. Playing the normal mode, getting all the treasures n shit, then playing the devilish mode would be the solution, right? Well... I dislike doing the exact same thing twice. I could just leave the hyperpornograpgic little debased fucker mode for later and do them at a later point of time but uh... yeah I could do that, but that wouldn't change da fact, that it still is basically the exact same level with few to no changes while having a little debased fucker following you through the level. The other extra modes are basically auto scrolling sections with ddd / meta knight but still quite cool.
TL-DR: Acceptable port, weird choice of extra modes

Gets really boring after about half an hour and I don't know how people can play this longer than an hour a week

When the impostor is overrated

The 3ds port is a completetly different game and I don't really know how something like that happened

Introduced me to what playing videogames with friends is like.