Gameplay is fun enough, but I do not like the story compared to a lot of other mainline SMTs.

Probably the best story in the series. The artstyle and Tokio take a bit of getting used to, but when his character arc really start, Link starts to get REALLY good.

The most fucking ps2 .hack game ever

Same thoughts as the others, extra half-star because Sora :)

Same feelings as the last game, but no Skeith this time. The intro to more of the Phases is cool, though.

The gameplay fucking sucks but man. I love the aesthetic and story a lot. Just watch the cutscenes and read the emails.

Extra half star for how epic the Skeith fight is, tho.

If there is any game that deserves a remake in the xeno-series, it's Xenogears. It's an incredibly strong story, and extremely fun to experience all of disk 1. Disk 2, while it has some great moments, suffered from being so condensed compared to disk 1. I truly believe the game would shine more if Monolithsoft was allowed to take a crack at it again and extend the second half of their story.

Fumbled hard in terms of romance, in my honest opinion. There was also way too much Allen, when he was nothing more than comic relief before.

I do enjoy the overall story and ending of Shion and KOS-MOS's story, and it was a fine ending to the story.

Serviceable middle game, though the voice direction suffered a lot here. Added more to the character of Albedo, which is nice, but it lacked a lot of the focus on Shion I was wanting.

My favorite of the trilogy! I adore the start of Shion's story and her friends...

Trigger Warning for Violent Misogyny, however.

Servicable. The racism-related plot was meh, while the Fog King was not explained enough for me. Melia and Tyrea's development, as well as Kino and Nene, bring it to a three star for me.

It takes the potential of XC2 and is able to bring it out fully. Greatly enjoyed.

Legit the best game in the -blade section of the franchise. All of the flaws I see that are the biggest issue are optional side content (i.e. Boze in general). Overall a wonderful experience. Still not my favorite somehow lmao.