Have many fond memories playing this as a kid / teenager. This was probably my most played game on the GBA, and for good reason.

This was my first experience with the tactics RPG genre, and have been in love with this style of game ever since.

This is a hard game to review.

It is the most fun I've had with any game in a long time, and is the most detailed "base building" game I've encountered.

The fresh coat of paint and tutorials have helped a lot with making the game accessible to a crowd that isn't interested in looking at a manual every 15 seconds.

If you're on the fence, give the game a shot. If you don't end up enjoying the game, you can still look at "Legends" mode for fun procedurally generated story time and you may enjoy adventure mode when it comes out.

Played a tonne of this due to its Linux support being a rarity at the time. Lots of fun.

Fantastic game, and a great remaster.

Very much a me problem, but Mario Galaxy titles give me such insane vertigo that I've never been able to play them.

This game has so much potential, but uneven matchmaking and frequent widespread connection issues make this a hard game to recommend.

Single player works great and is a lot of fun, but it's not the focus of this game.

One of my best purchases on Switch. It's been years and I find myself constantly coming back to this title.

Fun deck building rogue-like. Lots of replayability and runs great on Nintendo Switch.

Even for the time this game was dull.

You hopped over rocks on a unicycle made of stone. That was the whole game, and as far as I know there was no real ending.

Prehistoric flappy bird.

My very first pokemon game, played on the original Game Boy. Rated 5 stars, however this is very likely colored by Nostalgia.

Still a wonderful game.

Favorite game on the PSP.

The gameplay and story are really well done, easily the best "extended universe" property for FF7.

Can't wait for the remaster.

A beautiful Tetris game with lots of modes. The music and visuals are unmatched in a Tetris game, and it runs really well on Switch.