17 reviews liked by Phynta

I have seen 99% of what this game has to offer. Recollections of Dusk, EX Stories, Hidden Stories, Event Stories, Weapon Stories, Costume Stories, and obviously Main Story, i am honestly blown away with how Yoko Taro does it. He never ever misses
If someone told me this is their favorite DrakeNieR game i would not be surprised in the least and likewise if someone told me 10H is their favorite DrakeNieR characters (or many others honestly there are many spectacular characters) i would not be surprised in the least
do not know where to begin talking about this game honestly nothing i say will grant it enough credit for what it is but i will try my best to talk about my personal thoughts and experiences with it and touch on my favorite parts/aspects of it
i think what i appreciated the most about this game is how its not just a solid continuation of the series but also fills in so many gaps in the series you never thought existed. it made everything much more cohesive and retold the whole timeline in a many genius ways
covered everything in the whole series from drakengard 1 all the way to here. i honestly cannot do it justice for what it did you just have to see for yourself how unbelievably good it was all connected and filled the gaps in between
an incredible and much needed installment/continuation to the series this is honestly one of the best things a DrakeNieR fan could ask for 'narrative and lore wise'. this is easily the most lore heavy game in the series imo and thats saying A LOT
No matter what your favorite game in the series is Reincarnation will blow your mind in many ways, be it amazing references or explanations or music or designs it has everything. what it lacks in gameplay it compensated in EVERYTHING else
although the ending felt rushed (and that's because it was due to the sudden EOS i believe) it wasn't the most satisfying thing out there but i still very dearly love this game and love what it did for the series lore wise.
the usual Yoko Taro Writing. amazing twists and reveals and incredible meta and wall breaks. something this game made me realize is the amazing color coding in every game and what they all stand for. this is honestly too big of a subject for me but i would like to point out some things. the most prominent colors and what each one means. red and white and black
red pods, red dragon, red girl, red administrator
white hair, flowers, armor, clones.
black book, song, scrawl. i cannot explain it but they all stand for something
and the color coding was used in a genius way in this game. this is just one of many things i appreciated in this game besides the usual which is a given. Art, designs, obviously narraive and character. what wasn't good imo are just the format and gameplay.
and it is what deters people from this game (unfortunately) although i would understand the argument of it being the best i also understand that it's not for everyone. which saddens me because soon enough this will be lost media and stay underappreciated as always.
if it gets a rerelease in a different format or an offline version and ports i really do think this can do numbers. alas i cannot show enough love to hundreds of hours of content in a thread with a few tweets it'll never be enough.
Thank you Yoko Taro for saving me once again

Yoko Taro's writing when it comes to parallels is phenomenal and unmatched and we've seen it before (9S & A2 in N:A and Nier & Shadowlord in Replicant as two well-known examples among many) and the sun and the moon chapter is up there with them with one of the best I've ever witnessed.
something about contrasting parallels intertwining into one big climax is so special and always a recipe for something great and this act was certainly something great. firstly the overall quality and feel of this act has vastly improved from Act 1, you start to notice a lot of meta-writing choices and cooler designs and interlinking stories it just feels like much of a game rather than a lore dispensary.
genuinely no character I've seen in this act would be less than an 8/10 character if they were fleshed out in their own game or side content they're all so incredibly made. this game has many 10/10 characters that will either be lost media in the near future or (hopefully) implemented in a more streamlined way for people to experience. sun and moon, Hina and Yuzuki. I don't even know where to start with this act its just hard to find anything they missed with, overall it was very fun and impactful, everything is better than it was in act one, plot structure and pacing and music and designs even the damn cage looks incredible. the more I get deeper into reincarnation's story the more I realize it rewards you for sticking with it because it keeps showing you how truly beautiful this game is and I still have a full and final act to witness. genuinely makes me sad that not many people will experience this due to its inherent nature but oh well I'm elated to be one of the lucky few who experience this gem

The best Ys game by far, in every aspect other than gameplay which is amazing and only gets beat by Ys IX.
The Soundtrack is one of my favorites in any game ever.
Dana is possibly my favorite female character from any video game.
Exploration is SO MUCH FUN, every minute of running around doing quests, filling out the map, fighting enemies, literally anything, is a joy.
The story mostly revolves around Dana and her connection to Adol, and it is truly fantastic man, It's hard to put into words how much I love this game.

this is it. this is the apex of the series. this is what i originally set out to play, and it checked every box for me. the very culmination of what the series has been building on since the very beginning. absolutely beautiful game

This happened to my buddy Eric

Absolutely adored this, from beginning to end this was an addictively fantastic experience.
Stuff in the original like the anime cutscenes are better, but otherwise this is easily my favorite version of the game, which I now like more then ever.

My first ever Atlus game and I am beyond blown away by such a beautifully tragic emotional experience
this game is a beacon of hope for those who have struggled to cope with loss such as myself.
perfectly executed themes and all around just a wonderful experience
I have so much to say but it just never feels enough for what this masterpiece presents.
I was emotionally moved many many times playing this it's unbelievable and even though I haven't played the former versions of P3 this is clearly made with love and passion
this helped me change how I face a lot of problems and came at such a needed time in my life I genuinely think this game is a must-play for everyone period. many people have already sung its praises so there isn't a lot for me to say but I'm just super thankful I got to play this
one of the most impactful things I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing and indubitably one of the greatest games of all time

the whole game is just one very big tower dungeon (3 times) with peak music and fun gameplay... I couldn't ask for more than this

Really happy to have finally played this, Ended up liking it a ton!
I do still think I prefer the DS game, but MAN, from the presentation, to the characters to the style, this is just CRAZY good, and for sure a worthy sequel

it's wild how this game flourishes with creativity and charm throughout every level yet you fight bowser jr like 4 times