a week after finishing the game i genuinely could not remember a single thing that happens.
gameplay consists of walking around a house and thats it

good game don't let anyone tell you otherwise

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dialogue is so bad it's good, the plot is pretty solid but i reaaaaally dislike how no matter what you do in the game the only choice that really matters in the grand scheme of things is the last one

despite everything i had fun playing it so it wasn't all bad

they made mc have emotions and all of a sudden it's a bad game

for real though i had so much fun playing this when i was younger and despite what people say it's one of my favorites in the halo franchise

they tried doing what halo 2 did with the master chief and arbiter dual story thing but they failed because locke is insufferable

i like the art style and the game was fine

the BEST game of all time and it's not even close

this is like one of the 3 games that support the kinect and i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy the hell out of it back then

dude seeing dantdm in a video game blew my MIND

combat was fun, story was nice
game relied too much on the tank and thag would be a bad thing if it wasn't a mf TANK

a nice change of pace from the rest of the series

if i had a dollar for every time i heard "it's like halo and portal combined" i'd be a rich man indeed

i am in love with the plague doctor