taught me that marriage is terrible

cant wait for this series to randomly come back one day and everyone scratches their heads asking "yeah guys what is this game?"

one of the best rhythm games you can possibly have def give this shit a play

this game is kind of annoying

there's a good game in here somewhere...

it'd be better if it was good

rhythm games dont get better than this one unfortunately, if you havent played this game before literally what are you doing that could be more important

there's a decent chance this game will never be topped as the best 2d platformer in my lifetime and thats half saddening and half beautiful, not to sound like a loser but i genuinely think this is a perfect game

i played this game with the sole intention of making fun of the stupid shit, but i didn't expect to come out the other end loving what i played and cherishing the experience, making fun of the stupid shit just comes as an extra bonus whenever i talk about it with other people, its fair to not like these games for... many reasons, but people who pretend like they're the worst, trashiest pieces of media of all time are weak, trust me, i know because i was that person.

played simply because it had zenryoku shounen on the songlist, 4/10 because you have to dualboot with a gba cartridge to play it : (

i fucking hate the way this game runs but i fucking love the way this game is

this was the hardest era of mario renders and this box art is all the proof you need