Welp, the positives. I think it’s vibrant, colorful, and maintains the pulse that is indeed Crash Bandicoot. It has some genuine comedy that works, some of the music is quirky and catchy, and I enjoyed some of the elements implemented with Cortex!

The negatives, nearly everything else.
After doing some research, it was evident that this game was unfinished so I don’t wanna pound it too hard but that’s obviously the primary reason for this games faults. Hardly any sound in cutscenes, making them awkward to watch. Some of the levels feel half cooked and needlessly difficult. Like corridors/caves not being tall enough for you to ensure your jump is safe to clear a pit.
The trial error formula here attributes to that unfinished feel. It doesn’t feel like a fair challenge, I feel like the game was actively working against me to ensure I struggled more than learning the curve.
Aku Aku felt worthless, whenever I’d achieve the 3rd mask the invincibility did nothing. I’d just bounce into an enemy and nothing would happen. Plus, all he does is grant you extra hits from enemies. Crates and environments still murk you in one hit. This is especially mind numbing due to the horrible check point system which sometimes forces you to rewatch the cutscenes.
Plus, the camera is a big adversary sometimes. The more linear vehicular sequences were the most fun and the camera didn’t try to bully you. Whereas it’s floaty feeling caused me to get hit off screen a lot by enemies I didn’t see or just fuck me over on jumps.

To top all of this off. The game is quite glitchy. Sometimes Cortex doesnt initiate things when he is supposed to. Sometimes high falls would cause my character to no longer move and I would have to load a manual save setting me back.

It’s an unfinished product and it became so infuriating that I just despised the experience after awhile. I’m done.

Harder than I can possibly get in the mornings. Good game, but just entirely way too difficult for me to even want to try and finish.

Okay! Improved roster, smoother combos and fighting! It's like It went from V8 and a V12

A strong follow up that isn't quite the juggernaut the predecessor is, but beating this on the hardest difficulty was a incredibly fun challenge and its continuation was a delight from the first!

As someone far from a fan of LOTR, I was blown away by this. It is essentially a more fluid AC game with a middle earth blanket. Everything feels good, and its combat is some of the most satisfying I've ever played within a hack n slash setting. Although, I found the climax of the game to feel undercooked. It has a lot of fun to offer and I'm sure I'll pick it up again to snatch up 100%

Leaving the game in F3s engine was a great idea, as someone who is head over heels for that game. It was a smooth transition for me into this new world of fallout. However, I’ve experience more lag in this game in typical playthroughs. The longer I play, the more unplayable it becomes. Which blows. Unsure if that’s the disc, console, or what. But F3, despite having rough FR drops, never got that consistent. The DLC missions however ran smooth as silk, it was primarily on the strip or random parts of the Mojave desert.

New Vegas has a quicker approach and has a few tweaks to the format compared to the previous game. Instead of karma there is reputation which I think is a solid element. Rather than having an overlapping rep amongst the wasteland. You have different reactions from factions and settlements based on what you’ve done for them or to them.

The combat is improved drastically. Melee feels so much smoother, being able to site-in disables the hefty reliance on the VATS system (which is still great)

Dialogue and exposition can get tiresome. I’ve had a few missions where a conversation drags for 10 mins and I’ll be honest. I’m always trying to fully immerse myself into Fallout when I play. But some of the storytelling here can get lost. It didn’t feel as robust as 3’s divisive missions.

That being said though… New Vegas has an overall better narrative than 3. I think where 3 shines over this one is the side missions and visuals of the wastes, whereas New Vegas has a lot more involvement in the players choices in the grand scheme of things. The side missions weren’t as gripping as 3s and I blame that on a rushed schedule I heard this game had.

Fallout New Vegas is a damn near perfect game and one that I will sure as hell revisit. What an experience, especially after watching the show recently. My playtime was nearly 70 hours total and there was still quite a bit to do!

It bleeds its love for 80s so much its almost blinding. It is just enough FarCry for me at this point with how dreadful New Dawn and 6 felt. The combat is fun, the map is small, and it is far from overwhelming.

This is an ugly ass game, but that does nothing but add to its charm.

Although it’s filled with flaws from California to New York, this adaptation somehow sticks the landing with a limp after the fact.

Its gameplay is loose, but after a handful of ps1 playthroughs recently. That seems to be the common connection between games of the era.

I can’t get my head around the decision of the games POV system. It’s a 3rd person game, but holy shit, why the bird or gods eye perspective?? Limiting your view of what’s up ahead is frustrating and will add a layer of difficulty to the platforming. Overall, this ultimately does nothing but add to the hilarity of this game.

I forget how much this expands on the lore of the already convoluted and stupid plot of Phantom Menace. A lot of things are expanded upon and the use of dialogue choices, guiding your levels into other directions really makes this the best way to soak in the story of Episode One.

Pros: the gameplay is easy to mold into, the RPG elements are actually pretty neat and allow for you to bend levels into the direction of your decision making! Plus the game is unintentionally funny at times and quotable.

Cons: the escort mission in level 5 is a pain. Fuck that queen, man. The Mos Espa level, although very nostalgic and notoriously everyone’s favorite level. Is a complicated maze, you’re never directed exactly where to go and you’re just kinda left wandering around and with the games limited view it’s even more painful to play. Also the lightsaber fights with Maul feel like I’m just hitting the guy with a wiffle ball bat. Nothing satisfying there.

I remember this being quite uninspired and dull. A farcry from what Ultimate Alliance was/is. Plus, the movies being bad didn't help this gain any nostalgia points

It passed the time in my web design class way back in High School. Otherwise, I wouldn't use my actual free time to play it.

Fast, fluid, bloody, and messy! Deadrising is the zombie game that we all needed for years. You could even argue with its extensive list of options and variety to destroy the dead, has been unmatched by any other game (besides the sequels). I've sunk hundreds of hours into the sequel, and I was just looking to experience this game. Not sure if I'll return for more playthroughs, but an enjoyable experience it was!