Broken and fairly unbalanced, but as a mega MMA fan. I've poured endless amounts of hours into this. I still play it roughly once a month for a couple hours

Near perfect video game, the combo challenges broke me and I will not reach for the shiney plat. Beating it on hard and collecting all the riddles was enough gratification. Love this game though

Solid game, fun experience. The card collecting portion felt crummy from the developers and encourages a pay to win sensation that I was not about to indulge in. It kept me from the platinum

Broken for awhile and limited the fun of playing online. Too much toxicity, but could be incredibly fun at times!

Fun, fluid, gruesome and fairly tough. I had attempted to platinum, but decided to avoid the higher difficulties. I really enjoyed my experience though

Tiring, weak follow up to 3. Has its moments but once you've cleared most of the map and realize guns and vehicles are useless. The game becomes pretty dense

Solid game, horrible unbalanced and tough to get ahead online