My everlasting love for this series had me in a vice to not stop playing this excuse for a full game until I earned the platinum trophy. Hands down worst in the series

Just felt uninspired and lazy. This game is infamously hated, despite its gunplay feeling a little more robust than the Marine playstyle in 2010s AVP. Granted, thats just how I remembered it, could be wrong because this was a redbox rental that left me groaning about the $2 I spent on it

My love for the show at the time was blinded by the expired milk of a game this was.

One of the easiest, purest, and ugliest doses of nicktoon nostalgia.

Solid-ish entry in the series, jumped into it late last year to scrounge up the multiplayer trophies before the servers shut down. Wound up grinding like hell for the platinum, but the amount of tedious junk in this game literally exhausted me. Plot and gameplay wise, it was a stepdown from the superior Ezio games.

The remaster is a nice cleaner grasp over the original, but all in all despite the flaws of the groundwork of an incredible series. The barebones nature and nostalgia I have for U1 will be tough to surpass. It'll always be my second fav game in the entire franchise, and I'm sure i'll play this again for the 50th time one day.

I'd honestly say this was the last COD, I legit enjoyed. The look, feel, and competitive nature of it. I had a blast playing. I intend on jumping into the campaign again just to experience some solid WWII blood and iron before laying it to rest.

A solid multiplayer experience that helped pass the time during lockdown three years ago. It was also the last Call Of Duty game I played, and my minimal time with Warzone was memorable. In the end, I'm essentially done with COD unless they were to revive the earlier PS3 era games. With so little time in life, I have zero desire to return to heavy multiplayer experiences.

Thank God you exist when nothing else can.

An impressive looking run in the mill "Mafia story", but has a wide range of mechanics. Free roam, cover shooting, brawling, car chases, races, escorts, stealth, turret esc sections. It's a game without a true identity, but at its core it was a solid time. Even for a remake, the gameplay was a little stiff for me and the driving was like old people f**king. It definitely has more highs than lows, and I'm eager to move onto the sequel. But one playthrough was enough for me.

We don't deserve Rapture. Literally one of my biggest gaming regrets was not giving this time of day during release

A strong follow up that isn't quite the juggernaut the predecessor is, but beating this on the hardest difficulty was a incredibly fun challenge and its continuation was a delight from the first!

More of the same, while also being bigger. Yet, somehow loses its charm and engagement. Its like a popular sitcom when it goes from 4:3 ratio to full screen, but the show got new writers and your involvement to follow up and watch another season dissipated.

Fast, fluid, bloody, and messy! Deadrising is the zombie game that we all needed for years. You could even argue with its extensive list of options and variety to destroy the dead, has been unmatched by any other game (besides the sequels). I've sunk hundreds of hours into the sequel, and I was just looking to experience this game. Not sure if I'll return for more playthroughs, but an enjoyable experience it was!

Storywise, perhaps the most hilarious thing I've ever played and a wonderful game to represent one of the best and funniest shows ever created. It falls a tad short, with the gameplay being a bit more fun in the sequel.