This was the first one I played after the superior SVR era, and it felt like a stomp to the crotch. Its controls are more complex and the fluidity of the past games felt absent. Other than a great roster for the time, this sunk my hopes of ever getting a legit GREAT WRASTLING GAME ever again.

Controls better than the predecessor, but still nothing super innovative to this bloated genre

The weakest of the DP games. Its the only one I've struggled a second playthrough since nearly nothing significant happens until its climax. The pace of this one is a slog

Possibly the best digital version of my favorite board game! Its online fumbles quite often and needs to be able to adjust party hosts, but other than that. Lots of hours sunk into this friendship crusher.

Looks like hot trash, but put a bag on its head and everything works out just fine.

Unfortunate what happened to it. This multiplayer experience had quite a riveting pace with very satisfying gameplay. Just wish there was a bit more customization and content, which would've been the crutch it needed to live a little longer.

Repetitious and tough as nails sometimes. Not fun going rogue on this one, much better with a squad

Just feels like 6 steps backwards, and made 3,4,5 that much better. FC6 left a poor taste in my mouth, and leaves me with little to no desire to go for a 7th installment

Its like the last game they won the super bowl, then this one all the players took a dump on the field and thought that would be acceptable at the same heights of winning.

Not my favorite DLC for one of the best games of all time, primarily due to its design and navigation. Also, with how easy it is to get stuck in rooms with doors glitching and never re-opening. I lost a massive save years ago due to this.

Just your run in the mill Wrestling game. Nothing special, and slippery controls


An extremely fun premise that is hindered by dull and ugly visuals. I may pick this one up again someday and try to smash out the hardest difficulty.

Playing this with friends was the closest we'll ever get to a solid online superhero experience. There was some freedom and extensive charm here that a lot of games have tried hard to capture and hold onto for the lifespan this game has had. I wish there was a marvel counterpart though


Is it just me or was this p*r - d*k hard for no real reason?

Bold and brave, but just came out at the wrong time. I put a few hours into this and actually found it quite inspiring and fun. Its ideas and mechanics weren't "all there", but there was the groundwork for something very stellar here