109 Reviews liked by Ping

When the game isn't trying to heavy-hand its weak story and characters, the relaxing ocean exploration stuff is actually pretty cool. Controls are a bit sloppy but when you get a handle on them, it's fine. Graphics are pretty good for a Wii game. The 'missions' where you have to do tours or find certain creatures for other people are kind of annoying, since they're required for you to progress through the game. If the goal of the game was just to explore the ocean and see all the different species of fish, that would be neat. Soundtrack is surprisingly good, the most well-known song of course being 'Prayer' by Hayley Westenra.
Overall a decent title worth checking out for any Wii enthusiast.

unfortunately, for me, this ... felt pretty shallow. another reviewer (eccol here on backloggd) put it perfectly: this game is clinical. it's very removed from the issue at hand, and its portrayal of abuse reads like a text book. i didn't find the experience of playing this satisfying or cathartic or even really that enjoyable. the experience is too linear and sort of obtuse, and the writing degrades pretty rapidly from the start to when it's being "revealed" to you that ben is abusive. i wish i had a better review for this, but i don't.

bit short but lovely all the same. i highly appreciated the "dying while trans" newsletter

Pokémon Channel is THIS close to being a startling satire of the early 2000's consumer television age, but unfortunately it chooses to play it straight instead of slowly descending into dystopia.

What a thoroughly average rhythm game with characters that make me feel good when they're on screen

play+ mode is the True Way to play this game. uncompromising violent survival rhythm game.

there is no feeling quite like being 20 minutes into a 25 minute level with no shield to act as a buffer for you, hanging on for life as the speed multiplier increases, desperately looking and listening ahead to read the obstacles as you enter THE ZONE OF PURE HELL. the closest a non-Tetris game has got to evoking The Tetris Effect.

so fucking hard to rate because of how it plays but back in the day the multiplayer was a lot of fun and i do think it's the best actual story out of the GTAs so uh. 8/10!

It's the best Zelda game. I know it isn't, but it is

My favorite RPG of all time, and one of the finest ever created. I cry every time at the end of my play through, not because anything sad happened, but because I'm going to miss my friends. The characters feel real and alive, with Kanji and Dojima being the pinnacle. I love RPGs, and I love games about time management, so it's no surprise that I love Persona. Is the story as good as Persona 3? No. Is the combat as fun as Persona 5? No. Does Golden hyperbolize some characters, particularly Chie? Yes. But it doesn't matter. No game is perfect, and this is the closest I've ever come to seeing it.

It's more linear than most Metroids, but the increased emphasis on story makes for a nice atmosphere and some really tense moments.

great game to play in the fall while sipping hot tea and telling your friends your religion is better than theirs

what if they DIDN'T make you play through 8 straight levels of easy boring stuff before letting you have fun

Great art. Horrible level design.

as a gay man: this game is a homophobic nightmare and i cannot fucking stand it.