111 Reviews liked by Pink

Hey this platformer is pretty cool what if we added guns and cars and bad mission design? Meh, maybe next time.

THE best Jak and Daxter game, no question. It practically switched genres and HUGELY switched tone after this to match the era it was released in. Where's the REAL Jak 2, ND?

the ending made me bawl like a baby

Didn't play the original but this remake is splendid. The art is really bang on and just works. The game does not suffer one bit from the relatively small world as it actually means every inch of it is alive and interesting. Much prefered over big empty spaces. Superb game!

Better than the first game. A little shorter, but faster, more fun. New weapons, more color, a better soundtrack, a more heartfelt story. I really liked the story with Balder especially and his boss fights were far and away the best in the game.

The final boss is not as good as Jubileus was in Bayonetta 1, though.

Similar to Dedede's Drum Dash, its a fun little expansion of the minigame in Planet Robobot.

Abysmal performance on base PS4. The combat is fine but the exploration aspect is lacking and the lack of fast travel between resting points makes returning to your ship a chore, especially when the level design isn't interesting to navigate. Pale imitation of a much better series.

A great follow-up to one of my favorite indie games! It expands on the original's mechanics a bit to add to the game in addition to just having a bigger world with more things in it. Getting 100% completion felt a bit more tedious that in the first game but I think that's an pretty small complaint compared to how much joy this game brought me overall.

At the time of writing this, it is exclusive to Stadia and I think that's a bad service so maybe wait until it's out on Steam or EGS or wherever and play it then.

It's hard to describe what exactly about this struck a chord with me. It doesn't do anything novel in its mechanics and there is some jankiness to them, and it certainly doesn't have AAA production quality.

And yet, I still found myself completely absorbed for the few hours I got to spend in the small, tranquil world that Uppercut Games created.

Unbearably stupid with terrible characters, story and gameplay in the solo campaign.
Hilariously stupid with two buddies blasting through the coop campaign. Just booze up before.

Good. Got all the things people like in the franchise. I got issues with the plot and the game's fucking weird ass difficulty, and got some seriously asscheeks bosses, but it's a good time.
Fun Yakuza Tip: New to the franchise? Play Yakuza 0 before this. The story of this game is greatly improved with the extra time you spend with Nishiki in 0, just misses some of that oopmh if you start at 1.

How on earth do you rate mine sweeper?



A fun little adventure, overflowing with character and charm. The story is simple, as is the gameplay, but along with the beautiful graphics, it all comes together into an almost perfect indie gem.

If you liked Life is Strange, you'll like this. If you didn't like Life is Strange, you actually might like this and shouldn't pass it by if you were put off by the slightly cringey dialogue from their previous games as Dontnod have really stepped up their writing game while retaining the intrigue and mystery.

Also the first game by a major studio to proudly feature a transgender protagonist and although I'm not trans so can't really comment on the portrayal, I absolutely love Tyler Ronan. Bae of the Year 2020.