111 Reviews liked by Pink

I 100%'d this game, cause give me a nice wee 3D world to run about in and a checklist of collectables and I'll fucking do it mate.

Game is Absolutely Fine. But I wrung every little bit of fineness out of it.

Too me this stands in the same league as other short FPS like Pray 2006, where it's a fantastic FPS from beginning to end, and it never gets stale or feels like it overstays its welcome. Top that off with a pretty fun story, some fun set pieces, and a pretty fun use of real world outlaws giving it a very Buffalo Bill style of Wild West.

I haven't played the base game in a while, but this DLC was really underwhelming to me. It took me a little bit under 3 hours, but I must've spent about 1 of those wandering around trying to figure out where I was supposed to go, two of the three levels are terrible at pointing the player in the right direction and this killed the pacing for me. The game also loves to put so many annoying enemies at distance who just shoot homing projectiles at you, this made me feel forced to play from behind cover rather than in the thick of the action, which I find boring. It also seems to emphasize the use of the sniper rifle too much, I would've liked to use other weapons but the game mostly just gave me sniper ammo. It may also be worth noting that I played this using Serious Sam Fusion because it tends to have better performance than the original Serious Sam 3, but I'm pretty sure this also causes the AI to sometimes get stuck on level geometry which isn't good. I just wish that they would've just went all out on the action, that's all I want from Serious Sam, but it's not that bad I guess.

It was alright but I was annoyed about the dark underground levels for most of it. I also didn't really like the desert levels and the 2nd to last car level was really really annoying.



i should love this game, but i just think it's okay. the art design is great, it has the best ost of 2022 so far, and the cat is cute. the hub areas were great, seeing where i could reach using my whole being-a-cat abilities, and the small stories with the robots there.

then everything falls apart when you go into the triple-a ps2-era action sequences and you lose me. they weren't really fun, or challenging, or interesting. this was the longest 4 hour game i have ever played, i honestly thought my time was going to clock in at like, 9 hours.

would have loved for the game to have been more scaled back and intimate.

I miss old indie games like these, the kind of indie games that are not perfect and very janky; but you can still tell it has so much passion and love in every part.

This review contains spoilers

The worst out of the whole lot so far, another it's all fake game immediately after the 1st game. Except this time, it's all in your head, so there really is no consequences this time around.

(Played through Phantasy Reverie Series)
Klonoa 2... has become one of my favorite 2D/2.5D platformers after this remake. Where to start, for starters it has some of the best music in a 2d platformer I've ever heard, it's a bit more challenging than DTP. The characters are all lovable and even better than the first game and add even more personality. Klonoa himself has grown, which is the kind of development I love for sequels, as well. I wanna thank Bandai Namco for resurrecting this IP, to hopefully give it even more potential for a good future. Do it! I even platinumed it.

This review was written before the game released

Terrible sequel to the original open world collect-a-thon & terrible Grand Theft Auto clone, with a stupidly large map with no fast travel options, ugly & dull visuals, frustrating difficulty due to barely any checkpoints & crashing into police officers, and an edgy tone to cap off the adventure.

Hey you like big cities right well how about you constantly backtrack in them?
Oh and the best way to get around it is these cars that have awful steering, come to a halt on hitting anything, and can be destroyed with little effort
The levels themselves don't have checkpoints and the guns are clunky
It says you have 8 health but unless you're in Edgemode it's actually 4 lol
Daxter is still annoying as all hell but I'M GOING TO KILL PRAXIS being the literal first fucking thing Jak says takes the cake. Shadow WISHES he was as edgy as Jak holy hell
No Checkpoints lol how do you mess that up

All in all, no. Animations are still good and the movement is still fun on paper, doing a roll jump and ending it with a scatter gun to the face is really satistying. Unfortunately Jak and Daxter are just stuck in an awful game this time

you somehow turned a colorful platformer with interesting characters and turned it into an overly-dramatic edgy shit plot with bad driving, boring missions awful characters, gunplay that's somehow worse than the first Ratchet and clank, and somehow managed to throw a time travel plot that makes no goddamn sense and a dystopian City plot all in the same game.....wow I'm honestly really impressed.

It has a good atmosphere but I slipped 3 times in a row on the last boss and wanted to cry so I recommend you never play this game and that's not a joke



played this with my girlfriend ands shes better at it than me so only 3 stars