Has some pretty fun platforming and is in general a fun game to play through but the combat is stiff and boring.

Went straight from Sands of Time to this and this game has so much less polish its kinda funny. Never had a problem engaging with combat in the last game but there was one spot in particular where I kept getting flung off a ledge just because I engaged with mandatory fight.

Great collection with some fantastic games.

Some of the best level design in the series.

Not as great as Underground 1 but still a pretty great game with a "fun" story.

Loved this game as a kid but couldn't say if it still holds up.

It's surprisingly good for a PSP spin off game.

Haven't played it in years but I remember loving it

Gameplay-wise it has it's flaws but it has one of the best horror atmospheres in a video game ever and the story somehow only gets better the more you think about it.

The PS2 version is surprisingly good and still holds up fairly well.

Loved this game as a kid but can't say much more about it.

Great game that holds up surprisingly well but I still haven't finished it.

Great 360 game; really bad PSP port

Has a much better story than 4 and hits some really high highs but it also has some much lower lows than 4. Has more missions that feel like a giant middle finger than 4 ever did. Still great though.

I don't have much context for Suda51's games as a whole so maybe my opinion would change if I did but I really enjoyed this game when I played it.