It's a bad game that had so much potential but got ruined by Sega's poor management.

The PS3 version wasn't great but I remember really enjoying it despite that.

Really well told story with some okay combat.

Probably the best Mortal Kombat.

So far I only have 64% completion and have only gotten the first ending but I can confidently say that Hollow Knight is one of the best games I have ever played. It takes almost all of the great things from Dark Souls and has almost none of the bad.

Fun, schlocky horror game that has some problems with pacing and how boring the first three chapters can be but it really figures itself out. Character performances were great even if some of the characters were utterly unlikable. Playing on PS5 locked the game to a solid 60fps and it looks great.

Extremely well told Spider-Man story with some really fun gameplay. Just exploring the city is fun thanks to how good the web-swinging is.

They made the combat so much better between games its almost absurd. Adding the Venom Powers makes it so much faster and they tweaked it just enough to make it feel so much tighter. I think Miles ended up being more likable than Peter was in the first game and the way he grew throughout the story was really well done.

Genuinely one of the best platformers I've ever played. My only problem was how short it is. It's so creative and just full of life that its hard not to just smile through the whole thing.

The gameplay is very simple and gets stale pretty quick but the characters and overall mystery were so well written that I didn't care.

One of the best games in the series with a story that starts off strong and never falters until the credits roll.

While the story doesn't go as hard as SH2, the gameplay and scares are improved enough that I thought it ended up being the better game.

It's a fine but clunky survival game that I'm enjoying my time with.

Somehow stiffer with even more bullshit than the first but it still has some killer music. Sure as hell wouldn't play it without a guide.

Not as good as Dark Souls 1 or 3 but it's about the same amount of bullshit as Dark Souls 2. The new game plus is the worst of the bunch and has some real bullshit bosses but is still worth a playthrough, you just need to go into it with the expectation that it was the first Souls game and it really feels like it.