21 reviews liked by Pizang12

If they had waited to release this game for a few years after more of the show had gone on, or even until the show was finished, it could have been amazing. However, the game only features only a few arcs from the first season or two, and falls short because of it. I believe I may have 100%'d this game and it was a massive pain in the ass for some reason

Rather than try to cobble together a timeline, it's best to think of each Zelda entry as the same legend told by different people who fill in the gaps with their interests and quirks. Wind Waker is the legend told by a sailor; Link Between Worlds is the legend told by a painter; Twilight Princess is the legend told by a pervert, etc.

This is the legend told by Bugs Bunny.

my day be fine then BOOM Phazon Mines

This game really made me feel like Lego

most fun open world lego experience available

Why is Darth Vader and the 2005 grievous minifigure on this game's cover

game that holds a very special place in my heart as I begun it with my crush and finished with my girlfriend.
Perfect coop game if that's what you're looking for, I've never ever seen a game with that much gameplay variety. You always discover new mechanics and never get bored.
Story is okay but lacks a bit in the emotional part, and I'm a bit disapointed of the ending, I was expecting something more 'grandiose' in both term of gameplay and story.
DA is phenomenal, each level is visually stunning and so inspired.
In the end totally worth its game of the year title, it's definitely a game aimed for everyone that you should try once.

Subnautica is a top-tier exploration game that drip feeds you bits of story at the perfect rate for you to be able to discover the story at your own pace without ever really feeling clueless or entirely knowledgable about what is going on. Absolutely worth a play.

Amazing experience, I wanna make out passionately with the narrator