16 reviews liked by PoutyGiant6302

Wacky wahoo pizza m-oh wait, wrong game. It's fun if you play it only once and never return at it ever again.



*A single tear falls from right eye

I- I get it now

This game is so much fun in the most simple way possible.

I think the ideal way to play this is to rent it or borrow it from a friend. Spending your afternoon/night to power through this game is the perfect way to experience it (and at night is when you want to play it for sure). And most importantly, play it with a friend!

My wife and I rented this game when it came out from a Redbox, so we only had 24 hours to complete it. Luckily, it's already a short game experience.

And "experience" is really what I would call it. It's barely on the cusp of being an visual novel "walking sim". I think most people actually would call it a walking simulator, but I'm a little more lenient because I'm fond of this game I guess.

The story revolves around a couple mysteries, and it's fun as hell to figure out where things are going. It's also a horror game, so there's plenty of fun jumpscares. It's like an interactive campy horror flick (completely intentionally, by the way!). The characters are pretty much every trope from a horror film, too. In what would usually earn a yawn and eyeroll from me, there's reasons why they're all like that so I enjoyed it a lot. Some of the characters have a growth arc too, which is cool to see.

Even when you think you may have the story figured out, it's still really fun to watch it unfold.

Some cons:
- The facial expressions have some jank. Dark Pictures studio just.. is like that. All of their games have really janky facial expressions.
- Some absolutely BULLSHIT deaths in this game. But mercifully, you can save and load often. In my opinion part of the experience is reloading and trying again. Some scenes will absolutely have you tearing your hair out (its kind of fun, to be honest)
- A couple characters are really really irritating. But hey, they're supposed to be older teens/college kids so maybe it's more realistic for them to act the way they do. I was able to push past it, but I can see if other people can't.

Like I said, this game is best played with two or more people watching you play. They don't even have to pick up the other controller for the co-op--just have some people around to watch the madness and mystery unfold. Great fun!

taps into the innate human urge to collect trinkets and knickknacks against all survival instinct.

There are no bathrooms anywhere but occasionally you'll find some glass bottles in a crate. 10/10 accurate Amazon warehouse simulator.