Very relaxing gameplay unless you meet people that have been playing this game for ages.

Great Staged based Fighting game with wonderful mod support. I always wanted Ronald MC Donald to beat up Gojo.

Great character design and fun gameplay.
But a gigantic skillgap between new players and active ones.
First 3 matches, my butt has been more railed than me dropping soap in the shower while being in prison.

Great open-world and even funnier with friends!

Great Artstyle but before the final mission its just full of filler. And annoying.


Fun for the first 5 levels. Afterwards the levels jusst get annoying.

Fun for about 3 months. Afterwards the awful NetCode really is fucking with the experience.

A wonderful addition to the Lego Star Wars Series.

Made by a single dev and great. Fast paced combat and rather more skill based.