This was the party game for me growing up since I was a Playstation kid in the 90s and early 2000s. Needs a remaster or a sequel.

Timeless classic. Still no shooter like this in 2023 aside from the remastered version of course which is a gem.

Underrated, mainly because of the disappointing launch. It's a shame because it affected the game's lifespan. This game had a lot of potential if it had been updated with new characters/maps based on past and current movies / series / books. I got a lot out of it through the years, still play it every once in a while.

I finished the game but I wasn't able to connect with it like I did with other Zelda titles. There was just something missing for me.

Remember being hooked on this game. We picked it up at Toys R Us for Christmas. Good times.

Played it at the Time-Out arcade for the first time so the idea of playing it at home was exciting at the time. Simple but fun.

Another game that I played at the arcade for the first time. They released the console version with guns as well. Fun times.

Game looks great but I found the combat to be boring and repetitive.

True classic, I remember playing this while listening to Linkin Park back in the day.

My favorite Halo, the multiplayer was straight fire. Xbox Live at its peak.

E-A Sports... it's in the game. And it came with the soundtrack CD which was fire as well.

Live almost made a comeback with this game. I remember enjoying this way more than 2K10, probably my favorite basketball title of the last decade.

The best FPS of all time, if you don't agree then 1v1 me bro. Simple, boots to the ground fun. This was the golden era of Xbox Live.

This game is like a chipotle bowl that has been shaken to death and you have no idea what it is anymore. Hope this review helps you make an educated purchase.