8 reviews liked by ProfessorPlumber

Let me talk to my friend thru our walls while grounded 9/10

It's neat with friends but i suck at drawing on it.

like i reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly rrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy suck at it lol.

A great retro throwback 3D collectathon in the vein of Banjo-Kazooie, executed to a stupidly high level of quality, Corn Kidz 64 was a game that truly engrossed me with its puzzle filled world to explore. Controls are fluid, animations are extremely bouncy and stylised - as are the low poly retro aesthetics - and scouring the game's level for XP cubes was a blast. The platforming controls are extremely fluid, allowing you to chain tons of jumps and horn dashes together by using specific level objects. The game's XP cubes are hidden everywhere, but the best secrets lie behind careful analysis of the game world and then executing chains of jumps to access them. Extra hidden collectibles are concealed in truly obscure areas, the vast majority of which I could not find (the few I went out of my way to Google the location and try to get were a pain to reach), but at least there is still things to find if I decide to return down the line, as is the final difficult gauntlet level. Highly recommend it, especially since its so cheap! Absolutely worth the asking price.

Disclaimer: I know The game dev, opinions are my own.

The corridor isn't new in what its doing. the concept has existed forever, reverse psychology, curiousity; a lil bit funny.

but what it IS is surprisingly charming and consistently funny in what it sets out to do.
upping the ante in ways those old "dont push the button" flashgames never did.

its 2 bucks... give it a go!

One of my favorite Mario games and definitely my favorite handheld Mario game. The levels are bit sized but are very fun to run through, and the levels are eye candy for me. The music is fantastic as well!
The Bowser fights are also very memorable here, especially at the end. Also Tanooki Mario is back babay!

Criminally underrated, it has one of the silliest stories in a Paper Mario game. I also love the action or platform oriented this game is too, and the puzzles play along with it in creative ways! Some of the side characters are quite geeky though! :3

One of the few times I ever got my mom to play a game with me and it was boxing on Wii Sports...it was quite memorable(and hilarious).
Very good selection of sport games that are easy to come back to, even now. Personal Favorites were Golf, Bowling, and Boxing. They were simple but pretty deep and fun to master.
But that memory is what holds this game up so high till this day, great game that anyone can pick up and play!

Decidedly one of my favourite games in recent years. I’ve always had a love for when things line up to the beat in games and movies, and no game I’ve ever played has committed to it by this much, to where the entire game is built around it.

The story isn’t anything too special and doesn’t ever take itself super seriously, but I absolutely loved the characters, and I think this comes down to how much heart and passion was poured into this game. The animation, the music, especially the voice acting all sell it perfectly. It gets away with a lot by how genuine it portrays itself. For example, the writing can be very quippy and pun-riddled, but thanks to the voice actors all doing an excellent job and the fact the game plays it straight and sticks to its guns, it all comes off more charming than annoying. The writing in itself is very well done, with it hitting all the right notes to set the appropriate mood for every scene, be it goofy, climactic or more emotional.

The entire world is so vibrant and full of life, literally bopping to the beat alongside you. With an action game entirely based around hitting enemies on the beat, it’s so easy to get into a flow-state that never lets up, since everything in combat is dedicated by the music. Said music can get a little bit samey at some points, but it’s always good, with especially the tracks by the end of the game really getting dang good. Only downside I personally had is that because it requires such constant focus on hitting things on the rhythm, it can end up a tad tiring for longer play sessions, so no harm in taking a few breaks. Though it’s not a point against the game in my opinion, that constant focus also made it so that I didn’t really experiment with the different combo’s much. Since it takes quite a bit of focus to stay on beat and the basic combo’s do the trick just fine, I rarely had to change it up, but that didn’t make getting those S ranks any less satisfying.

Its greatest strengths really lie in the passion that the game practically exudes as you play. All the love, time and effort put into the animations, the cutscenes, how it all syncs up with the music flawlessly, the amazing voice acting, the character designs… there’s just a general optimism at play that put me in a good mood while playing it, and the humor, both visually and in writing, landed often enough to make me chuckle and even sometimes laugh out loud a bit.

I have nothing but praise for Hi-Fi Rush, and I think everyone owes it to themselves to at least try it. It might just be your jam, just as it was for me.