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Prohairesis reviewed Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
I've heard many positive things about this game, especially its combat. I played this game for 4 hours, and, to be honest, did not enjoy it. Although the combat has many things going for it, such as the multitude of ways to kill your enemies, it feels extremely clunky. The weapons and magic are inefficient, at least at the beginning of the game. In the end, you just end up using a sword and kicking people. The movement of your character feels extremely immobile, which reduces your character's defense to parrying with your sword or shield.
Another problem is that npcs are very inconsistent. Some of the enemies just get up after being stabbed to death, which is supposed to be the finishing mechanic.
The story of the game is almost nonexistent. It's there only to move you from location A to location B, but even this is executed rather badly. The dialogues sound like they were written by a horny teenager.
Idk, this game just feels like several other games that have many things going for them, that have original ideas, but end up being a raw product that is appreciated only by a bunch of devoted fans.
Grade: 3.5/10

4 days ago

7 days ago

Prohairesis reviewed Cultist Simulator
It's a very original game, which combines different genres and makes them work quite well. It's a game where you start as one single person who decides to build a cult. Your goal is to manage the cult's resources, make it bigger, and more powerful, and make yourself more knowledgeable. In addition, you have to manage the resources of your cult and deal with different problems that pose a threat to you as a character and to your entire cult.
Besides, the game was done by people who previously worked in Failbetter Games, which means that the writing is more than competent. It is engaging and eloquent. The problem is that you need to actually put effort into understanding the lore because, without it, the game is only half as interesting. Also, without understanding the lore, it will be much harder to understand how to progress, especially in the mid to late-game.
Gameplay-wise, it is satisfying to make progress and keep improving your cult and your character. There are moments of stagnation, especially when you play your first runs - I kept stalling and just doing the same things all over again without understanding what to do next. It can also be easy to get yourself in trouble and die, but with experience, it is also easy to avoid such scenarios. It is one of the best aspects of the game - to be overwhelmed by different threats and then sort everything out and get the board clear of any problems.
I think it's important to know, that if you decide to play this game, you have to be ready to spend the first 15-25 hours learning basic mechanics, and even later, not being able to figure out what to do. You should also accept the fact that in these hours you will die frequently. With each new run, however, it will be much easier to get what you lost and make further progress.
I feel, however, that the goals that the game provides, at least in the base game without the DLCs, are lacking in substance. You just upgrade the card you pick as a win condition with other cards, and that's it. I would like them to have some sort of plot line that would give you a story to follow and also indicators that will show the progress you've made or something like that.
All in all, a great game that can be even greater. Maybe with DLCs it will solve some of the problems mentioned.
Grade: 7.5/10

8 days ago

8 days ago

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