12 Reviews liked by Proto0025

much worse movement and level design than 64, anticlimactic ending, unclear objectives, idk bro. it was fun at times for sure, and the fludd mechanic is definitely cool, but please just play 64 or galaxy

i don’t think I’ve smiled more while playing a video game

i cant stop playing im an addict all i want is my wife and kids to come back please someone help me out of this rabbit hole i cant leave no matter how hard i try its unbearable

shock value aside the writing is just awful

it's fun until you go on gsp

I love this game with all my heart but overthere stair has to be the most agonizing thing ever concieved by a human, I would rather undergo Chinese water torture than have to experience overthere stair again

The only game I can play every day and still have fun with

big fan of games that are a bit mentally sick in the head

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I really enjoyed my experience with OneShot. I was lucky enough to play the game blind and so the reveal at the beginning where the game knew my name genuinely shocked me and had me engaged pretty quickly. This game does meta stuff really well, its super impressive how attached you become to Niko even though the game emphasizes that other characters aren't real and you know damn well Niko isn't any different. The little puzzles it has you do on your PC are also really interesting even if the one fucked up my Rainmeter live Wallpaper.

The only thing really keeping me from considering OneShot to be one of my all time favorites is that I never really cared about any of the side characters. The game kind of lost me at the end of the Solstice route when it started to focus on the relationship between the creator and the world machine. It wasn't bad or anything but I was invested in OneShot because of the relationship between me, Niko, and the game...and all of that other stuff didn't capture my attention as much. The ending of Solstice was still emotional (seriously how did they make them walk off the window like that??) but I almost prefer the original ending just because it did a really good job capturing the essence of was so special about OneShot to me.

is cuphead good?

Cuphead is good. Why? Well, one could say this about many different types of games, possibly for the characters, story, emotional attachment, and the list goes on. However, Cuphead is not a game where I can pinpoint any of those elements and say it excelled in that specific area at all. What Cuphead does that makes it a masterful and incredibly made game is immerse you into an environment unlike any other video game I have ever played before, which consists of fantasy, craziness, and a huge old school feel. The game seems simple on the surface: Cuphead and Mugman go out gambling, they make a bet with the devil, they lose the bet (which costs them their souls), and so they set out on a journey to collect soul contracts so the devil will spare them. Throughout all of this, Cuphead and Mugman use their powers to battle bosses and run through levels, and they then have to defeat the Devil at the end. Seems like a basic fantasy game plot, right? Well, words can't even describe the experience that Cuphead will give you. You can't just explain the story to someone and call it a day; this game is so much more than that. With elements of action, adventure, and 2D platforming, Cuphead is a widely interesting and cutting-edge game from start to finish. Yes, there are mainly just boss fights throughout its entirely, but it always brings something new to the table. The game developers were so creative in making each and every boss fight that it is genuienly mind blowing. I could not believe how good this game was, mainly because of the insanely entertaining gameplay, but on top of that, all the design choices of each boss and level were beyond excellent. In addition to this, they made the difficulty of each boss and level relatively hard to beat, but not too hard to the point where you would want to just stop playing all together. Again, I was always invested, and never EVER wanted to stop playing until I beat boss after boss after boss.