Generic Dungeon Crawler, I like the battle UI though, might've been an inspiration for some other CRPGs.

This game pissed me off so much in my youth. Also the trackball hurts your hands because it's not perfectly set up so you pinch yourself all the time with it. Other than that it's a solid game. Very fucking short though. Also laughably easy for an Arcade game.

President Mauno Koivisto's son-in-law was friends with the guy who imported the NES to Finland. He introduced the system to Mauno who became an avid gamer. Ice Climber was his favorite game and according to one anecdote he would always challenge politicians he had invited over to a match and then mock them when they lost by repeatedly asking "can't you handle it?"

Influential and legendary. Simple yet addictive gameplay loop that is fun and rewarding, came out at the right time and birthed a very fun hack and slash franchise.

This was the first game I tested on my 4000 dollar gaming PC. Need to revisit it.

If you like Multiplayer games, then this may be the most important game in history for you.

IGN: More DnD than Dragon's Quest

Game that came at a very desperate time for Square, very influential in every way, almost nothing like any of the other games in this franchise, the world is very generic. It's mostly the gameplay that will keep you hooked, sets up the plotline for almost every FF game though, crystals in danger, evil entity abusing it, elemental shit.

If you want to play it nowadays I recommend a couple romhacks and patches.

If you don't wanna get your hands dirty with patching too much:
- - Final Fantasy Restored (If you want the original balance of the game plus some minor consistency stuff use this patch - If you want a better translation use this patch as well

This is optional but recommended, you should have the original game's manual and map you can find scans here at Nintendo's official website.

And for the map you can use games database here

If you have already played it I recommend some other romhacks.
- - "Very comprehensive redesign of Final Fantasy 1."
- - "Final Fantasy 35th Anniv w/ Tonberry, Moogles & More!"
- - "Final Fantasy Ultra just got better! The philosophy is still to add and change as much as possible for the better, while still staying true to the spirit of the game." (I really like this one)
- - "The purpose of this hack is to take an already great game and greatly improve on it by enhancing it with special features, ironing out wrinkles in the gameplay and to a somewhat lesser extent put the author’s own personal spin on the game." - (Was my favorite way to play before Ultra Champion Edition) - Can't vouch for this one but I've heard good things.

This game is funny, that's the best praise I can give it.

Maybe my favorite action-platformer ever? This game is not for those with short reaction times, really tests your knowledge of video games and the game itself. Unfortunately almost all cabinets have had their buttons broken so I have only ever played this emulated on various home consoles as well as my computer. It's a solid game though I always find myself coming back to. Start of the Makaimura (魔界村) franchise which is Tokuro Fujiwara's best work (other than being the producer for Rockman) in my opinion.