Hard to master but very weird, fun and funny game, with a very cool world and aesthetic.
I knew about it thanks to twitter, but I was curious to see how the game was actually gonna be structured and was surprised to see actual levels and different mechanics.

- 1/2 star because you can't actually cook the chicken like on the artwork

A fun Papers Please rip-off that does it's job.
There are enough mechanics to keep you engage through the campaign, and the contraband/vehicle inspection is a good angle.

Unfortunately the rest is janky and gets boring pretty quickly. Gunfights and car rides are way too long and repetitive, and are present way too often.
Also funny how it looks like this had less budget than Papers Please that was made by a single person, because the latter had the intelligence to create a unique artstyle that made its imperfections a strength, whereas Contraband Police just looks like an ugly realistic 3D simulator.
The game is also poorly optimised and the bad (in my case, French) translation sometimes makes the objectives confusing.

I bought this game after seeing a streamer playing it in a non-efficient way and I thought it looked fun and I could play better. Despite its flaws, its core-gameplay is indeed still pretty fun, but even in sales at 20€ it's a bit expensive for what it is.

Return of the Return of the Obra Dinn

I just kinda felt like going back to this.

It does feel a bit old now. Because of the aspect ratio of course, but also the art for the sprites specifically is a bit amateurish (especially compared to like, CGs, promo art or just sprites from the title screen that are way more appealing imo), and voice acting is really not as good as I remembered for some characters.

But still this game has a cute/cozy vibe that it's sequel doesn't even try to get. 80% of the girls are pretty likeable.
And in the end, it's a clean, polished porn game, with an actual gameplay, that actually makes you play the sex scenes in an intelligent way imo.
And there are really really few porn games like that from my experience.

I just don't know what to feel about this game. It's unique, that's for sure.

Art direction is flawless, from the environnement to the creature designs, the subtle use of light and the overall ambiance. The way this whole world lives and how it's inhabitants move and behave can honestly be quite captivating.

It's cool to be thrown into the game and having to learn everything, but after 20~h into it and having seen 99% of the map and bestiary based on the wiki, I feel like i've seen it all ? But also seeing people in steam reviews having more than 1000h in this makes me feel like I'm missing something ??
I love exploration in videogames, but here I just feel too lost, too frail, constantly. The controls are a bit janky because of the way everything moves, and you can die again and again and again at the same spot without really having the time to learn what your mistakes were because everything happens so quickly. Some instances are more frustrating than others, and I understand that it does contributes the atmosphere of the game, but ultimately you just pass from one area to the other without feeling like you really achieved anything.

This game is deep and complex, lots of hidden mechanics, it's a really impressive work in itself but it lacks strong, definite objectives and rewards for me to really enjoy playing it.
This game is both really fascinating, and at the same time I feel like it does zero effort to make me like it.

(To be honest, some of the stuff I said might just be that this is a survival game, and I guess I was expecting it to be closer to a metroidvania or something.)

Heard a lot of great things about it, yet I was sincerely surprised by how good it actually is.
Excellent metroidvania that takes a LOT of inspiration from Metroid Dread and other famous games of the genre, but can manage to make it's own things especially in terms of movements and abilities.
Art direction is also one of it's big strength. The game is very pleasant to look at with it's huge structures and colorful landscapes in the background; and the over the top animation in cutscenes is super fun.
A great game to play on the switch imo

Don't have much to say that hasn't been said, it's great and unique, and I'm addicted to it.
Appart from the gameplay, I think I'm particularly fan of the whole presentation of the game. From the CRT filter and pixel art to the joker card designs, how the main theme is altered depending on what's on screen, and the way everything is floaty and reacts to your cursor's movements. A lot of care went into it, and it's very pleasant to even just be in the game.

Indie platformer of incredible quality !
Concept is super cool and well-executed, but what strucks me the most is the impeccable level-design.
It's written here on this site that it's inspired by games like Donkey Kong Country. Not only is this very clearly visible while playing, but it's also really the same level of quality. The kind of stuff I expect from Nintendo platformers.
Controls can be hard to master tho.

Visuals and soundtrack are really pleasant, time-attack is a fun bonus to have a bit more to play in this unfortunately pretty short game. They could have done a bit more with stickers and collectibles imo
What I am really disappointed by tho is the last world. Levels are focused on action sequences, and they are fun as they are but it's not what I'm expecting as a final challenge for such a good platformer ...

Despite the Dragon Engine's first steps, I was really really into this game during the first half; the story was very engaging, especially knowing that it's supposed to be the end of Kiryu's saga, and I got very good Yakuza 3 vibes from Onomichi and it's very lovable set of characters.
Unfortunately the story lost me a bit in the middle. I think there are too many instances where you get hours of cutscenes interrupted by 10 minutes of gameplay, and dialogues never felt this long in the series. Everything being voiced is a problem to me, as I used to read non-voiced text way faster than they talk and I could have my own pacing. It feels weird doing that now that they actually talk and that it's all presented as proper cutscenes despite the janky animations, so I just listen to them and get bored fast.
I do really like the ending (and by that I mean it made me tear up) but I feel like I would have enjoyed the game more if it was solely focused on Kiryu and Haruka without necessarily another big conspiracy. All the characters are great tho.

Now about this Dragon Engine : The game looks very very pretty, that's a thing. Lights are particularly well rendered. Fighting looks very cool, very fluid and all, but it's very sloppy and gets worse when you're up against more than 10 guys, which happens a lot. Also kiryu's moveset seems to be lighter than ever, which makes combat feel very very repetitive.
Minigames and activities are still pretty fun (I was surprised by the fishing), but Clan Creator is way less interesting to play than the one in Kiwami 2, and Baseball team management has 0 tutorial somehow ?

It's a bit sad for a game that's supposed to be that important in the series to feel rushed and unpolished like that. But it still has it's great moments.
Not sure how I'll look back on this one.
I'm curious to see what's next, I hope it was worth it to do more Kiryu stuff and negate this very clear send-off haha

Had a lot of fun, very solid level design ! (and surprisingly pleasant soundtrack)
I don't have much more to say but I'm surprised to see the low rating of the game here ...

Amazing surprise, great to see these characters again ! They totally got the Mario 64 feeling with Celeste mechanics, level design is on point, tons of secret, it's free, it's perfect.
The music really made me laugh :)

I'm at peace with this game now. It definitely isn't World, it's more old-school I guess, but I had a really great time.
The big problem is to really get into it because you need hours to get to the new monsters, but the complete roster is really really good.
The new moveset thing is a nice addition, being able to play with NPCs is both fun in itself and useful if you have a shitty internet. And this seems to be an unpopular opinion but I really enjoy the new mechanics introduced with anomaly monsters.

A very sweet game !
Gameplay reminded me of Death Stranding, except it's fully focused on climbing instead of walking.
It works really well and there are enough new mechanics introduced in every chapter so it doesn't get boring.
While still pretty short, the game felt longer than I expected honestly, but it does fit the journey of climbing this gigantic mountain.

I do feel that more freedom would have been beneficial; at the very beggining, the level design made me assume I could explore a bit out of the main path but no.
Also there is one single moment in the game where you can kinda choose different paths but it last for like 2 minutes ...

Other than that, it is visually extremely pleasant ! I really like that whole "used to be underwater" aesthetic. Music and sound design were particularily on point too.

ok I love fishes and there are a tons in this game, weird monster fishes too, and I love it

The art is clearly the game's biggest quality ! Creature design is really on point, everything is really well painted; I get a big "Darkest Dungeon" vibe from basically every aspect of the game.

Gameplay-wise tho, it is a pretty simple fishing game that quickly gets repetitive (good thing the environments are a bit varied). Also you can get a lot of money very early and get all your boat upgrades very fast, so progression is a bit fucked and you don't really need to fish anymore.

Still, I love fishes and pokémon, and in the end the fun comes from discover and catching new fishes and abominations.

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Another great game about knowledge, with a superb art direction, especially colors and shot composition.

The game excels at teaching you all these languages in various ways. There's this great attention to details, from characters (words, not people) having a specific look wether they're nouns or verbs etc, to different structures in sentences depending on the language ; if you pay attention you can get really good pretty fast and it is very rewarding.

I did felt that they still had more ideas that somehow didn't get in the game ? Like in the fifth chapter, there's this sequence where you can combine characters to express new ideas, that would have been an amazing concept for a whole chapter but unfortunately it's there just for 2 minutes.
Instead of that, the game pretty often asks you to play through those pretty shitty stealth sequences that shouldn't be there imo.

The story also felt a bit simple in the end. The intention is nice, but the idea of having the big bad machine preventing humans from interacting with each other is a bit dated. We know the internet has bad sides, good ones too especially in it's ability to connect people so ...
Still, the whole quest about connecting people by translating their messages, and witnessing actual changes in the tower was sweet.