Final boss and ending is SO FUCKING GOOD I just wish it were harder

I did a randomizer nuzlocke of this game

This game WAS my childhood. Holy FUCK

Worlds biggest X/Y apologist (it was my first pokemon game and mega evolution was cool)

Hard mode was a great addition to pokemon why did they get rid of it

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The ending where you can't carry all the gold is genuinely a really interesting way of getting the theme of letting go across through game mechanics. Overall though, the DLC was a little weak

Good, but the story was kinda weak in places

Actually forced me to make a difficult moral decision and I still don't know if I made the right choice. Super cinematic

Idk I kinda prefer linear pokemon

Worlds biggest pokemon fan thinks Platinum is mid

Worldbuilding is so fucking good. I love Night City

Amazing, has some of the worst bosses of all time (I broke my monitor because of Fire Giant)

Also world's biggest Malenia apologist

Really great but getting xp gets really annoying

Really fuckin good for a game that was like $2

Objectively the best Fallout