22 reviews liked by R2_Dooku

Why are them balls upside down

so far its good even though the dialogue system sucks ass compared to new vegas

- Tell a toddler a story about oranges
- Skip forward 7 years
- Fail a persuasion check with said child because I picked the wrong bedtime story, directly determining this character's fate which will not be revealed until the absolute final moment of the game

very good game, plz play

I have over 100 hours in this and have one hundred percented the game, and even I'm not gonna lie to you and say it's good.

Game is 4.5 stars, but the pornography people have made of Link getting absolutely fucking railed by a fish gets 5

I have seen peggle in my dreams multiple fucking times. Lights and sounds made perfectly to latch onto my brain. I laugh at my friends for watching family guy clips with subway surfers gameplay shit, but if it were Peggle gameplay I'd be hooked too. I wouldn't even need the family guy. You put a video of a ball hitting some pegs in front of me and I am instantly entranced.

Would be 5 if peggle nights didnt exist