Best game Criterion ever made.


This is a cult classic for Racing games.

This isn't even a GTA-like, it's a masterpiece.

This is a certified hood classic, Dr. Freeman.

Best COD game i've ever played, just for the story alone, 5 stars.

What does the numbers say, Mason?


Was this a trainwreck or not?, i cannot say, the races became boring.

If you like drifting, you can play this game.

Jokes aside, this game is graphically even better than its first title, Racedriver:GRID.

Apart with the gameplay, i think Racedriver:GRID tops this game, even tops the GRID Reboot.

I personally think it's a better title than the Reboot

Tried to play on PCSX 2, cannot finish it, my first priority will be getting a PS2 and finishing this masterpiece.