Kinda overhated in my opinion. It's definitely no Battle For Bikini Bottom, the level design is worse and 100% is definitely less fun, but I don't think it's a bad game. It's sorta fun, there's some cool challenges in it, the slide levels are fun. If you love BFBB I think it's worth a try.

One point for each unique track in the game.

At one point people hated this game because "the sprites were big." Society is crazy.

I was trying to steal the guy's wife and I fixed their relationship. What?

"Tetris is a perfect game" that's nice grandpa now go back to watching Gamemaker's Toolkit videos

I respect this game for attempting something bigger near the end of the story but I think there's a sign of low confidence when most of the cast of this new universe is old characters and the new gameplay style is used for only portion of the game. A gameplay style that sucks by the way.

Novelty meme game to play twice that requires multiple hours of playtime to unlock everything... Something doesn't add up here.

8/10 for gm_slopes and gm_7eleven_night alone, 9 for how using model manipulator with mirrors can crash the game any time, anywhere.

One of the best Puyo games. Writing actually made me laugh a decent amount, gameplay is varied and really fun, and it has a lot of content. Only issue is that it wasn't localized and that the DS version is the only fan translated one.

It's Super Mario Galaxy. What else is there to say?

The best Pokemon game even if it's not official solely because you can play the only fun part of Pokemon (serious battles against players with brains) with ease and an easy team builder.

Hot DANG! I still got extra stuff to do in this game as of now but wow that was a surprise. I expected a small fun little rhythm game, but no man. This game is not only fun, but bursting with tons of charm. The style is great, the little stories are adorable, the soundtrack GOES HARD, it's just fantastic! I had fun, I laughed, I even almost cried. I just had a smile on my face the whole game, when I wasn't get my balls kicked on by the tough songs at least. Defintiely worth checking it out if you can play it proper!

This review is for the PSX version, since that's the only one in English... At least for now. This game needs seperate pages, man.

It's okay I guess. I think it's better than Phantasia in that there's way less spells being casted and the spells themselves have much faster animations, which helps a great chunk for the absolute biggest flaw of the original game. The story this time was kind of mediocre, especially in the 2nd half where nothing really happens, and the AI is awful, but the improved gameplay really helped me pull through. I think there's a certain charm to the pre-Phantasia PSX combat, where you just get one attack with multiple types instead of a standard combo. The cast this time isn't amazing either, but it's decent and I think they can have some funny interactions sometimes. Having to recruit optional party members is a big annoyance and the villains in this game are hilariously underdeveloped, but I guess overall I enjoyed it.

Definitely outdone by later titles but still pretty great. The cast is good, the story is good, the combat is solid, the music is good, nothing too special, but this game's 3rd act, charm, and overworld are some of the best in the series. Engaging stuff, definitely not a must play but if you're a Tales fan I'd definitely at least give this a shot, it's also a pretty good first game if you're a fan of classic RPGs. Impressive game, especially considering the titles preceding this were pretty mediocre.