The feeling when you keep losing because you're a beginner (to put it mildly) but never get frustrated and still want to play over and over again

Now that ending is how you set up the hype for Chapter 2

Hey not to be trite and all but this is literally if the last 20 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey were a videogame

Played a bit of this with my little cousin when I visited him and it was a fantastic experience. Gonna finish this, one day, the way Sakurai san intended to

Gotta study the english vocabulary

Hopefully just the first steps towards the Pokemon game of everyone's dreams


The proof that Cars can work better as a videogame than as a movie franchise, very underrated game

Thank god invincibility frames exist nowadays... Still a really fun experience for such an old game, just wished for a more enemy variety; though as a Golden Axe fanboy, I shouldn't complain that much :P

One of the oddest control systems I've ever experienced. Call me a lesionist but after getting used to it I actually enjoyed it

Too bad it gets too much hard and a bit ripetitive after a really low amount of round, potentially one of the most addictive videogames on the NES

One of the most intricate roguelikes ever
One of the most challenging roguelikes ever
One of the most unforgiving roguelikes ever
One of the most addicting roguelikes ever
One of the most roguelike roguelikes ever

Flawless game, except for Baby Mario's voice acting

There are so many Eyes Wide Shut references that it's almost a shame to play this game without seeing the movie

Really generous for being a 90s game

Visually impressive as you'd expect from a top tier snes game, same for the ost

The gameplay itself has his moments here and there, tho there is not much variety, aside from the two characters selection

The bosses are definetly the most challenging part of the game, still they are really fun to beat

Underrated game.

"Woah! This is surreal!"

"Surreal, but fun!"

"Hey you know... this place reminds me of something else."

"Oh yeah, it does!"

To say that this game is fun to play, aesthetically excellent, has a simple but beautiful story and a good soundtrack would be correct but superfluous.

The game is a continuous reference to the different genres of games, mixed in a cauldron of ordinary madness, which can be a very pleasant surprise for non-gamers and a very pleasant return to the Land of Toys for gamers.

If you are thinking of playing it with a non-gamer, who may also seem skeptical to you, don't wait any longer, go ahead, pass him your second controller.

Any Super Mario excluded, I don't think there is a better introduction to this medium, or, if there it is, (which is more likely) that would be a very good reason to keep playing games.

But for now, as much as I know, if there is a game it can be really considered for everyone, in the sense that it could lead anyone to wonder: "Is there such a thing as video games?" that game is It Takes Two.