Yeah sex is cool, but have you ever found an 8 in Microsoft Minesweeper?

Thank god invincibility frames exist nowadays... Still a really fun experience for such an old game, just wished for a more enemy variety; though as a Golden Axe fanboy, I shouldn't complain that much :P

Really generous for being a 90s game

Visually impressive as you'd expect from a top tier snes game, same for the ost

The gameplay itself has his moments here and there, tho there is not much variety, aside from the two characters selection

The bosses are definetly the most challenging part of the game, still they are really fun to beat

Underrated game.

Iggy would have been the worst pattern for a Cuphead boss.

Played the demo version for now and all I can say is that Castle Rock was everything

Too bad it gets too much hard and a bit ripetitive after a really low amount of round, potentially one of the most addictive videogames on the NES

Hopefully just the first steps towards the Pokemon game of everyone's dreams

One of the oddest control systems I've ever experienced. Call me a lesionist but after getting used to it I actually enjoyed it

Flawless game, except for Baby Mario's voice acting

Cute and charming and every minigame was really fun! ....................except for climbing.

Hope the cutscene animators have been well paid

Can't understand why walkthroughs exist? Play this game.

Best game I had the permission to play during CS lessons

Trippy as hell, soundtrack is 10/10

Probably the most versatile and full of potential level editor ever made


The proof that Cars can work better as a videogame than as a movie franchise, very underrated game