The feeling when you keep losing because you're a beginner (to put it mildly) but never get frustrated and still want to play over and over again

You can play Tetris while listening to Splatoon music without using Youtube, I mean come on

Played the demo version for now and all I can say is that Castle Rock was everything

Better than I expected! The UI is pretty ugly and the game started to feel repetitive after less than 10 battles, which is basically how I feel about games like this, but I think a match every now and then is pretty enjoyable

Cute and charming and every minigame was really fun! ....................except for climbing.

Hope the cutscene animators have been well paid

Trippy as hell, soundtrack is 10/10

Probably the most versatile and full of potential level editor ever made


Yeah sex is cool, but have you ever found an 8 in Microsoft Minesweeper?

Can't understand why walkthroughs exist? Play this game.

Iggy would have been the worst pattern for a Cuphead boss.

Short? Sure.
Did it need to be long? Absolutely not.

Best game I had the permission to play during CS lessons

Best MK game to date, but the lack of mission mode makes this really painful to say