Really wanted to play this ever since I watched Super Eyepatch Wolf play the demo and so glad the full game came to PlayStation.

I feel like younger generations wouldn't enjoy this, as it's a homage to PS1-era survival horror i.e. Resident Evil or Silent Hill. But being a child playing those games, this took me right back. The aiming controls especially could definitely be frustrating but it's authentic to the style it's going for.

But if PS1 graphics and vibes are your thing then you will love this. The general atmosphere, the character design, the dialogue and ESPECIALLY the music are so on point. And the story did not have to be good to make this a good game, but the lore through employee notes and logs all help guild a genuinely engaging story in such a short runtime.

Took me 5 hours for my initial play through exploring everything, and then an additional 2 hours for my S Rank run to get the Platinum trophy.

While I don't know where they would go story-wise, I would love a sequel or DLC. Or even just a new game from the same developers.

It is what it is. Simple, short platformer that's made for kids.

Controls were floaty but never frustrating and the different mechanics in each section are all done well enough. Nothing too challenging.

Got all the trophies in about 5 hours start to finish, not the worst way to spend a lazy Sunday.

First, this is definitely best enjoyed after the 2nd or 3rd island in the main game. This would feel pointless if you started the DLC after finishing the main story and already having a ton of endgame upgrades.

As a mid-game addition it works great. Really just another island with another type of fish and set of gear to use and it's more of the same as the main game which is great.

The DLC story I actually enjoyed more than most of the main games' side missions. It had a good set-up and did a good job of letting you uncover the mystery without spoon-feeding it to you. The main threat in this area was better than the monsters on the main islands too and had decent mechanics to combat it.

Short, sweet and more of the same Lovecraftian goodness.

Chill fisherman simulator by day, Lovecraftian horror by night.

Enjoyed the calm gameplay loop of fishing for rare fish, selling them at the market to buy upgrades for your boat so you can catch more rare fish. Lots of variety in the boat build options and ticking off fish from the huge encyclopedia list of fish was satisfying.

It does a great job making you feel the terrifying scale of some of the HUGE monsters that are lurking out in the open waters, especially when you least expect to see one. However, the smaller monsters that live in the game's major islands were more just nuisances than actual threats.

Story-wise it didn't grip me right away, but around the half way mark it definitely picked up when the mystery started to unfold. Side quests were pretty shallow however. The people you meet are interesting but a couple of them just felt like fetch quests rather than fleshed out side missions.

My biggest gripe with Dredge is that there wasn't more. I wanted more fish, more upgrades, more missions, more mysteries. But what is there is excellent.

I can see why people loved this when it first came out but it has not aged well. I wish I played it back then completely fresh, maybe I would've enjoyed it more.

Story-wise it's fine. The whole experience feels very lonely, you never meet many of the characters face to face, it's all through audio logs and through calls/voice overs. I feel like the world building would've got me better if the world felt more lived in, but maybe that's the point of a collapsed dystopia. I did know some of the twists just because it's been out for so long now, probably would've enjoyed them more if it was all new to me.

Combat is great, good balance of good gun play and the plasmid/powers, although the whole time I was in combat I wish I had been playing Bioshock Infinite more as it had way more interesting powers and combat options. This is obviously the first game in the series, it has to set the basis that the sequels can expand upon but most of the plasmids are useless. I beat the whole game using Ice, Fire and the Insect Swarm, everything else felt underpowered or pointless especially when managing resources.

My biggest gripe is the sound design. So many times you can't hear the story-critial dialogue and wouldn't even know someone was talking if the subtitles weren't on. The spacial awareness was so off too, when enemies are in the room above or further away they sound like they're behind you, it's completely backwards. Again, maybe it's a relic of the time with most modern games having great surround sound and spacial awareness with their audio but it ruined a lot of moments for me.

I'm glad I played it just to finally cross it off my backlog but I don't think many people would rate it highly if they didn't view it through nostalgia goggles.

Loved the little Easter eggs from the show hidden in certain places and changing the player character to match the art style was a nice touch.

Maybe a little more interaction from the characters and some music or sound effects from the show would've been nice touches.

Short and eery exploration game. The 'bad' low detail graphics won't be to everyone's taste but definitely adds to the creepy vibe. Loved the brutalist design and feeling of dread throughout the town.

Ran through for the first time and got every trophy in just over 30 minutes.

I've seen a bunch of the YouTube lore videos and hype, never actually played it until the first chapter came to PlayStation.

Chapter One at least, is more like a trailer rather than an actual game. Very little gameplay to be excited about. It's mostly exploring a factory and listening to audio logs/tapes to get bits of lore and set up the creepy atmosphere. A couple of basic puzzles and one short (but frustrating) chase and the chapter is over.

My expectations were already low considering it's a mascot horror title but I expected a little more given how popular the series seems to be. Maybe the later chapters pick up a bit.

The 'Effect and Cause' level is one of the best missions in any modern game FPS

Not without some minor flaws but overall this game is amazing. Insomniac have the Spider-Man formula down at this point, however that ends up being the negative of this game. Too much of what they've already done before. The Web Wings are a nice addition and the additional powers of both Spider-Men.

Story-wise it's leagues above any recent Marvel movie stories. It's got some pretty deep cuts into Spider-Man's villains, no spoilers but there's niche characters and references here that I never expected to appear in a triple A game.

Going for 100% wasn't much of a slog, exploring the city is interesting and the ability to switch between Peter and Miles keeps it fresh.

Hopefully there's some good DLC side stories like the first game, there's definitely some good seeds planted for potential side missions or the sequel.

'A Short Hike' meets 'Legend of Zelda'

No real challenge here but the characters and charm are the real selling point. Very funny at some points and a great 'cosy' game to play over a day or two.

Absolute highlight is when I completed a side mission for some kids who were playing 'ninjas' and they rewarded me with a headband that made my character Naruto-run everywhere.

Definitely won't be to everyone's taste as there's very little 'gameplay' but all the appeal in these games is down to the writing and comedy.

I laughed out loud multiple times while playing through each case and even though I only spent a few hours with them, you get so much personality out of the characters.

I would've liked to see a few more interesting mechanics when it comes to solving the mysteries and it definitely improves as you work through the cases but it can be a little repetitive.

Shame that it seems the series is over as I'd love another case/mystery or even a bigger sequel.

The ultimate comfort game.

Something so good about just sticking on a podcast and playing this game for a few hours. Even just the act of methodically cleaning every inch of a huge dirty building is therapeutic.

Got the platinum trophy but I will definitely come back to this game and it's DLC levels from time to time when I need to decompress after a stressful day.

My most played game of 2022. This is basically perfect for me.

Big open world with tons of secrets and side quests to do and explore. Combat is challenging and sometimes can be a puzzle with multiple solutions to win. Everything the first game did is built on and improved.

Played on PS5 and this is probably some of the nicest graphics I've ever seen in gaming so far. The amount of times I actually stopped to take in the view or use the photo mode to capture it.

Pretty underwhelmed by this DLC to be honest. I absolutely adored the base game when it came out, in fact it was my most played game by hour for last year. But this just didn't land for me. That might be my own fault, going into the expansion with already high-level, upgraded gear just meant it wasn't very challenging (although the Frozen Wilds DLC for the first Horizon handled this much better and WAS still a challenge for endgame players).

The story here is good, and the new area is gorgeous albeit a little repetitive and not as much stand out locations to break it up. Only a few of the new Legendary weapons are better than the base game weapons so not much worth chasing, but the new weapon you get in the story is pretty interesting.

The side missions were really not up to the main game standards for me. A whole set of collectibles where you fly along a boring path while listening to audiology? Thrilling...

Also really disappointed that there is basically only 2 (and a half) new machines. The most exciting but about playing new Horizon games is seeing what new machines they've added and how they fight. But one new big frog enemy with some crappy fly sidekicks, and then a water version of a Sunwing already in the base game just isn't enough.

Good parts: new story and characters are great additions to the base game. New area is pretty.

Bad parts: new weapons are upgrades. Not enough new machines. Side quests are dull.