"Third time's the charm" would hold true if it weren't for the inevitable turning of the wheel of capitalism crushing 343 beneath its boot after it finally has a successful Halo outing. But too little too late, says Father Dystopia, firing the entire team that made it happen before the victory they sowed could be properly reaped. RIP Halo Infinite 2021-2021, you were good, and you had greater potential.

the worst part about it is that it's based on a very mediocre tabletop system

larian did their damnedest

karlach is love karlach is life

capcom did the impossible and managed to somehow, in some ways, improve on what is already one of the best third person survival horror experiences of all time

*mr incredibles voice: "you can tell a lot about a man by the contents of his attache case"

what if daggerfall was bad and in space. also there's a confused sci-fi experience in here too

"Getting Over It" except the guy in the pot is a Sad Dad and his pickaxe is his demigod child and the whole thing is actually fun and it's actually possible to Get Over It

this game is the epitome of "we came up with a cool idea and made up a story to justify it"

the nemesis system and good combat once again save what is otherwise a 2/5.
sidenote, carnan: step on me tree mama

the nemesis system and good combat save what is an otherwise 2/5

i've played an hour and a half and it was a wildly good time. god only knows why i haven't played more

almost as good as it's victory music which it definitely didn't rip from Kill The Beast! from Beauty & the Beast

game's shockingly bad lol. combat is broken, you can beat every single encounter by mashing a single button. enemies go in turns. story is whatever. sits resoundingly below my expectations

it's p good. i'm p bad at it tho

the game is as bad as its name is moronic

battlefield just refuses to not keep sucking huh