I was told to play Atelier games many years ago but never have because of the crafting and time limit. Two thing that felt insurmountable for me. But I was told Ryza drops the Time limit so I gave it a go. I now understand why there are so many Ryza figures on the market. The game wasn't bad either. Will play more of the series after I finish the Ryza set.

Someone on Twitter said that Forgotten Land has the polish of the 10th game in a series of games when it is infact the very first 3d Kirby game. It is just every thing it needed to be and translates Kirby gameplay into 3d so well that it feels like it was always like that. And of course has one of the the best endings. Which is not really special with Kirby.
Beaten 3/27/22

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Played On First Next Gen Update in 2022
A lesson in patience. I bought this game during the storm of problems it was having. In fact I am one of many people who bought it for $10 new weeks after it released. I of course was very aware of it's issues so decided to wait for the patches. Those came so I played on PS4 for a short while and got to the end of the intro and the game crashed so I decided to wait until I got the PS5 since I had heard it was much more stable on there. So my expectations where pretty low by the time I could really sink my teeth into it. Once I did I didn't get the sprawling vast open world I was promised but instead got an Incredibly well written story with compelling characters and drama. I will always favor a game that lets you choose to die with dignity.

Played On 2.0 Update 2023
A solid 7 turned into a masterpiece. The gameplay was one of it's weakest points, now It might be my favorite FPS next to Doom Eternal. Solid on every level. Glitches are still there but never really detract from the overall experience. There are still some problems, mostly with the writing. Feels rushed in a lot of spots, uncooked in others. The only real problem I have is the handling of the 2020 characters. They all suck most times and are okay sometimes but the writing loves them. The Temperance path especially gets my goat. It completely throws away V and everything they accomplished and everyone they cared about for Silverhand and his redemption and pretends like this is bittersweet when its just bitter. The Aldecado path is still the best because the focus is entirely on V and what they want. It treats Silverhand like a self aware parasite that doesn't want to be that. Overall it might replace Skyrim as my "Whatever I'll just play this" game. Hope to start Phantom Liberty soon. Surely that will add a better, happier ending for V.

I'm probably very biased when it comes to this game. I had spent many months trying to get a PS5. When I finally got one I was so excited I had to sit down and calm my nerves. So that guarantees what ever is my first game on it is going to get a boost. However Astros Playroom is a magnificent game that is a must play for anyone who owns a PS5. So good thing its free.

A Saturday morning cartoon retelling of the Greek Pantheon. Was fun but lacking. Would hope for a sequel but I don't expect Ubisoft to exist long enough to make one.

I am writing this many months after I've beaten it. So saying this is the best Pokémon game on Switch isn't accurate anymore. But that was my sentiment when I finished it and I still consider it the second best and one of my favorite spin-offs.

Good retro effort. Felt good and stayed good till the end. Very Happy.

A very low budget game with tons of heart. The mechanics never truly rise to the level they needed to but everything else makes up for it. Very enjoyable, hopefully DLC is incoming.

"Spiritual successor to Wrestlefest" does not do this game any justice. It is a evolution of that system and also adds some of what makes Fire Pro the best wrestling game ever created to make something that is hands down one of the best efforts to revive true Arcade Wrestling. Was very happy with how it turned out after watching it be made over the years.

Played what I now assume is a demo of sorts. Liked it a lot. Have always been a huge fan of Toku but grew up watching Power Rangers. Expected a parody of those things but instead got a humorous yet sincere game that I enjoyed greatly.
Beaten 5/29

MyRise Legacy: Surprisingly engaging and soulful. Had a lot to say about women in the WWE past and present and the conditions they exist in and the conversation around their legacy. Very happy with how it was written and paced.

MyRise Lock: Not as good as Legacy but still decent. "The Lock" himself is pretty unlikable but that serves the story around him so that's fine. Felt like propaganda for the Fed in the end. Bad behaviour is an excuse the Fed gives for many top stars failing out of the company. Ultimate Warrior and Cm Punk being the biggest ones. So the resolution being "See? He stopped being an ashole and worked within the system. That's why he's successful." was more than a little cringe. The story treats WWE as the end all be all of wrestling and gives some lip service to there being other types of success but the Fed remains the place to be. That rubs me the wrong way especially with people like Matt Cardona seeing more success on the indies than he ever has with the Fed. I know this a WWE story in a WWE game but still. It did let me lead faction with Cody Rhodes and Drew Mcintyre which is thematically perfect.

General Gameplay: I tried with this series. I always felt like 2016/17 were a step in the right direction. 2019 was a step down but still decent. But I cant do it. The Creation suite is broken and stunted in a lot of ways but still lets you create pretty much anything you want. I got started making my shows and roster and decided to take a break and actually play. Then it happened. I was playing War Games and literally fell asleep in my chair. Everything about this series is mind meltingly boring. Animations are still subpar, the visuals have no sauce, and the controls are sluggish. Under no circumstances should I be bored into a coma while playing War Games. It brought up decades old feelings on the WWE series. Starting at SVR 2008 these games have never been fun to play. And if there is some fun to be had, some system that really grabs you, it's gone the next game. We have not been able to completely form our CAWS body shape since WWE 2K14. For 10 years. Slobber Knocker hasn't been in since SVR 2006. The whole point of Showcase is seeing historical moments recreated in game. 2K22/23 don't do that. 2K22 let you use the soundtrack as entrance themes. 2k23 does not. Kingdom, Codey Rhodes' theme, is exclusive to him and is lost when you change anything about him, meaning unless you want complete silence when he comes out all the custom stuff for him is locked. Some of the gear in CAW have locked colors. New hair styles look fantastic with good textures. Old hair still looks plastic. There is a lot of good wrestling games out there, old and new. Play those. Stop giving 2K money.

Very upset that it took me so long to play this. Feel very silly now. One of the best games and now my second favorite Metroid game.
Beaten 3/30

Very good arcade game. Is now one of my favorites.