Felt Like an episode of the Animated Series. Final boss felt like a "had to" thing. Like "it should have been something else but this is the thing we built up". Good game.

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Very good. Liked the atmosphere. Acting was fantastic. MC is one of my favorites. The maze was fun although it made me wonder about where games where compared to where they are now. And if that is a good place considering everyone got excited for a fast paced fun section with a theme song. Something that used to be the norm.

A really fun but basic Capcom Beat em Up. This of course means it's better than most games on the market. They gotta bring this back somehow.

A very good experience with some small issues. I respect how realized their vision is. Nothing ever feels like they could have done more. I only have one issue with the trick system and that is that it hinges not on tricks themselves but on hitting different spots. The only way to get multipliers is to hit wallrides, ramps, and to lean into rail corners. Which wouldn't be too much of an issue if the AI wasn't a master of these things. So you have to pretty much do the same lines they are doing. The combat is there. Bosses are fun. Needs icons on the map and maybe chill on the heat system a bit. All in all Bomb Rush is fine attempt at Jet Set Radio and I hope the Developers give it another go.

MyRise Legacy: Surprisingly engaging and soulful. Had a lot to say about women in the WWE past and present and the conditions they exist in and the conversation around their legacy. Very happy with how it was written and paced.

MyRise Lock: Not as good as Legacy but still decent. "The Lock" himself is pretty unlikable but that serves the story around him so that's fine. Felt like propaganda for the Fed in the end. Bad behaviour is an excuse the Fed gives for many top stars failing out of the company. Ultimate Warrior and Cm Punk being the biggest ones. So the resolution being "See? He stopped being an ashole and worked within the system. That's why he's successful." was more than a little cringe. The story treats WWE as the end all be all of wrestling and gives some lip service to there being other types of success but the Fed remains the place to be. That rubs me the wrong way especially with people like Matt Cardona seeing more success on the indies than he ever has with the Fed. I know this a WWE story in a WWE game but still. It did let me lead faction with Cody Rhodes and Drew Mcintyre which is thematically perfect.

General Gameplay: I tried with this series. I always felt like 2016/17 were a step in the right direction. 2019 was a step down but still decent. But I cant do it. The Creation suite is broken and stunted in a lot of ways but still lets you create pretty much anything you want. I got started making my shows and roster and decided to take a break and actually play. Then it happened. I was playing War Games and literally fell asleep in my chair. Everything about this series is mind meltingly boring. Animations are still subpar, the visuals have no sauce, and the controls are sluggish. Under no circumstances should I be bored into a coma while playing War Games. It brought up decades old feelings on the WWE series. Starting at SVR 2008 these games have never been fun to play. And if there is some fun to be had, some system that really grabs you, it's gone the next game. We have not been able to completely form our CAWS body shape since WWE 2K14. For 10 years. Slobber Knocker hasn't been in since SVR 2006. The whole point of Showcase is seeing historical moments recreated in game. 2K22/23 don't do that. 2K22 let you use the soundtrack as entrance themes. 2k23 does not. Kingdom, Codey Rhodes' theme, is exclusive to him and is lost when you change anything about him, meaning unless you want complete silence when he comes out all the custom stuff for him is locked. Some of the gear in CAW have locked colors. New hair styles look fantastic with good textures. Old hair still looks plastic. There is a lot of good wrestling games out there, old and new. Play those. Stop giving 2K money.

Fun but slow paced Shmup. I play mostly Bullet Hells though. A classic in every way.

Excellent Game. Rewrote my brain chemistry. Now I'm a Beat Em' Up snob.

Not bad. Boring. Used cheats in final stretch to finish. Was hyped up so much by so many people it made realize my taste are not mainstream at all.

A good game. Felt a lot like the Dungeons and Dragons games also by Capcom.

A really good game. Now my favorite Classic Vania.

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A terrible game that I enjoyed greatly. Every decision they made about this game feels incredibly antiquated. No manual saves, No reloading, and no fast travel. All of those decisions greatly drag down the experience. Without those choices I would be happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised by how well written the story is and how I enjoyed the Embracing. Making you a doctor turned into a vampire during a pandemic is actually quite clever and I enjoyed learning about the characters and keeping them healthy in order to get as much EXP as possible. However, in between all that is long walks between goals, getting constantly lost and choices that are not clear enough for how they force you into dealing with consequences. I fell for one such trap where the option charm Dorothy was open to me but the game was not clear with what that entailed. I assumed with what was written Dorothy would simply forget about the dirt she had on Ashbury but remain at the hospital. Instead the charming drove her insane and she went missing. Wanting to force the player into committing to their choices is fine but make your intent clear. If the choice says eat sandwich I of course am going to be upset when my character stabs the waiter while taking the sandwich when there is no indication that that is apart of the choice. Ultimately this game fills a hole in my heart left by VTM: Bloodlines. I cant say that I enjoyed this game as much but it is very close to how I would want a new VTM to be like.

Was very good. May never watch or read One Piece because of length. Will always have a deep respect for it.

The best 3d platformer I have ever played. Very cute.

Good retro effort. Felt good and stayed good till the end. Very Happy.

Played in preparation for Streets of Rage 4. Felt it fair to play Streets main competitor. Don't like it as much as 2 or 3 but I now understand its fam. One of my favorites