If you enjoy RPG games or games that don't take themselves too seriously and like to be silly and fun, or, if you like cats, like me, you'll enjoy Cat Quest. ^.^

Music & Sound:
The music for the game is well-composed and suits the game nicely, and I think the sound effects sound good, too. The only complaint I have about the sound department of the game is that there are not many music tracks, and you'll hear the same songs often, but I don't mind much, since I think the music of the game is good.

Cat Quest is, in my opinion, quite visually appealing. It has a simple and cute style with vibrant colors, and to me, it looks like the graphics had a lot of work put into them with their painted style.

Gameplay & Quests:
The gameplay of Cat Quest consists of combat with monsters, main questing and side-questing, and mine exploration. It also has collectible special items that you can only get when you get a certain upgrade that allows you to use golden keys. I think this is a nice addition and gives the game more time that can be put into it if the player desires to collect all that he or she can.

The combat style is enjoyable, and somewhat unique, in my opinion, as I haven't played many other games like it. It consists of having to balance your timing well to strike the enemy and not get struck, yourself. The spells are simple, but fun to use, and can aid you in battle pretty well. I find that some enemies are definitely harder to dodge than others, and it can be challenging when you are at an early level in the game, though.

There is quite a variety of side quests, and I think the majority of them are written well. There is lots of charming humor in this game, in my opinion, though if you don't like puns, you won't enjoy it. I enjoy some of the storylines of the side quests, and I enjoy that some of them have little moral lessons to them too, like one where you have to help a twin brother defeat the internal guilt he has for not being able to save his twin sister, and another one where a character discovers the worth of generosity.

I enjoy that this game is enjoyable for me, as a young adult, but still suitable and likely still very fun for kids and young teens, as well, and overall, I give this game a 4.5/5. The only complaints I have are that the music can get a bit repetitive, and some of the enemies are a bit difficult to dodge and get used to when you're early in the game, but I still think this game is overall very good.

I overall really liked this game! The gameplay was fun, and the music and visual style are great, and I enjoy the character designs and little details that liven up the worlds. All of the flora and fauna designs are quite cute and interesting, as are the bosses and antagonists. I really like the charm of Super Lucky's Tale. It's suitable for all ages, so it's a great game for kids and adults alike.

The cons of the game are that:

The camera is glitchy, and I found it rather frequent that camera perspectives can be confusing, especially when you play as Lucky in the background of a level. Additionally, sometimes, some of the levels are kind of tricky, in my opinion. The final boss of the level took me quite a while, so I can imagine this game may still be somewhat difficult for kids.


Overall, I think Super Lucky is a great game for kids, or people of all ages who enjoy lighthearted cute games, like myself. I still enjoyed this game as an adult woman. If you love cutesy aesthetics, foxes, and lighthearted fun, you'll most likely enjoy this. :3

I love it. ^^

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is a lovely but short little adventure game, with RPG, adventure, and sandbox elements. I love the creative aspects of the game and its environments. The scenery, foliage, and wildlife are a treat to look at, and the colorful and interesting visual style of the game is pleasant. The sound design and music are lovely and fitting to the game. Lots of the sounds in the game left me pleasantly surprised by their realism, such as the rustling of buckles when your character walks, and the realistic sounds of the thunder booming.

The gameplay is relaxing and pleasant and offers a decent variety of side-quests and outside opportunities such as collecting collectible cats and increasing your crafting skills. ^^

Overall, it is a delightful little game. I wish it were longer, though, and that the stone bridge building was much better balanced, as it is very expensive and time-consuming to collect the resources for them.

+Wonderfully realistic and pleasant sound design.
+Tranquil soundtrack.
+Lovely visual art style and scenery.
+Nice variation of environment types/biomes.
+Beautiful wildlife and foliage.
+Enjoyable and tranquil gameplay.
+Collectibles to add reply value and more gameplay opportunities.
+The sprite designs are cute and charming and have a nice little variety of appearances and personalities.

-The game is very short.
-Building stone bridges is a very expensive venture. (required to reach some collectibles, like cats.)
-Some side quests are fetch-quest-like or slightly grindy.

Very lovely, relaxing adventure game where you play as a bird girl named Claire, whose quest is to climb Hawk Peak. The game takes place in a lovely provincial park where your Aunt May and Claire visit. Your goal is to gather enough Golden Feathers to climb Hawk Peak. The golden feathers let you climb and fly, and replenish as soon as Claire stops running/climbing/flying and stays still for a moment.

The gameplay, visual style, and story were very charming and colorful, and I thought this game was definitely worth buying and playing. I will remember its charm, and I hope there will be more games like this around soon. <3


A fun classic dungeon-crawling RPG that feels similar to Torchlight, Titan Quest, and the Diablo games in several mechanics.

You start as a boy or girl adventurer in a town called Grove, where legends of fame and fortune can be heard about the heroes that delve into the dungeons. There is very little customization; you can only choose from a few faces and hairstyles for your character, but there are still some okay options. You can also choose between a dog or a cat as your pet, and your pet follows you, helps you in combat, and can carry items for you and bring them back to town to sell, which will make them gone temporarily. The duration of their absence is based on how deep in the dungeon you are, but it can be a helpful feature to have them go to town and get rid of unwanted items, and get more money for buying potions and such.

Like Torchlight 1, the game involves a dungeon that you delve deeper and deeper into, and every few levels feature new enemies and threats. Quests can be obtained from the town to grab special items from stronger enemies in the game and bring them back in exchange for skill points. From the dungeon, just like Torchlight, you can use portal scrolls to teleport from the dungeon to town, and then back to the dungeon.

Each level gets progressively more difficult. Some enemies, unfortunately, are quite unbalanced and very powerful, whereas others may be quite weak and easy to defeat. I wish the difficulty weren't so unstable in the game, however, I still find it a fun dungeon-crawler nonetheless. Expect the need to grind, sometimes enemies become strong quite fast as you go down the levels; I especially had a hard time with Yetis, Jackals, and Cursed Sword enemies.

As a fan of Torchlight, I can recommend this as a similar title, however, being a release from 2005, it can occasionally feel a bit dated, and personally, I thought it felt a bit more dated than Torchlight, although both are old games now. However, I still enjoy it and would recommend it to fans of classic RPGs.

Unpacking is a short but satisfying game. In the game, you play as a lady who unpacks her things in different homes through the past. For example, the first level takes place in her childhood bedroom, where you unpack her toys, plushies, books, sketchbook, crayons, etc.

Unpacked features various rooms, and the levels work by a year system. You see her home environments change over time as you help her put her things away. It's so satisfying to play. It feels so nice to organize things and put them in the right places. It's so satisfying to see everything fit perfectly. ❤️

The whole game has a calming, even comforting vibe. I enjoyed its cute visual style and listening to its relaxing music. It felt calming and nice.

The game also has a subtly-told but touching story as you see the protagonist's lifestyle changes and different events that happened throughout her life. You see her develop new interests, hold onto old ones, etc. Very beautiful game! :)

Island Saver is an enjoyable, laid-back simulation game where you play as a Bionaut, a type of astronaut that travels from place to place to remove pollution and litter from various areas in the game world. Your goal is to clean each area. As you remove the litter and goop from each area, animals start returning to their habitats. The game is likely made for children, but as an adult who is a child at heart, I loved it, and it's probably one of my favorite games.

In Island Saver, there are three campaigns/levels in the base game. Each one was enjoyable and featured its own location.

What I loved about the gameplay:

I loved that the gameplay was relaxed and satisfying. Island Saver is a really fun game to play if you feel like something light-hearted and fun that doesn't take too much stress, strategy, or time. I never felt that the gameplay was tedious, and I genuinely enjoyed the feeling of clearing each area and seeing the animals come back to each place.

I loved the visuals in the game. Island Saver has a vibrant, cartoony style to it that I enjoyed. I felt excited when I got to see the new environments for the first time and explore them.

I loved the collecting in the game. Unlike a lot of other games I've played, collecting wasn't a chore; it was not difficult to do and there weren't any collectibles that were frustrating to get to.

I enjoyed the soundtrack of the game. This game doesn't have many music tracks; you'll hear the same tunes repeatedly in the game, but that did not bother me much, since I found that all of the tracks were enjoyable to listen to.

I enjoyed the animals' appearances. They're not realistic by any means; very cartoony and sometimes humorous, but charming in their unusual style and vibrant colors.

What I think could have been better:

I feel like it would've been handy to have upgrades available earlier in the game, rather than just late-game.

Who I would recommend this game to:

Anyone and everyone interested in either light/relaxing games, animal/nature lovers like me, from children to adults, and anyone who enjoys the concept/gameplay experience this game has to provide.

My rating/verdict:

I give this game a 4.5. I don't really have any complaints, other than that I wish there were more upgrades available in the game!

Please give it a try if it interests you; it's free, and honestly one of the most enjoyable games I've played in a while; in my personal opinion. I played both DLC and enjoyed them quite a bit. They both had great areas, gameplay, and animals.

I would recommend buying them if you enjoy the regular game; they're cheap, and give you a few more enjoyable hours of the game!

Tonka Monster Trucks from 2001 on Windows was one of my favorite games as a kid. Me and my brother enjoyed it a lot!

Delightful, charming game about wildlife conservation, discovery, and family. The exploration is so much fun, and the animals are super cute! This is such a sweet game, and I would recommend it to nature lovers of all ages.

One of my favorite childhood games, this is an absolute classic and a gem of the point-and-click genre.

The story is fun (albiet very cartoony) with a mystery involved, its music is superbly 90's and SUPER catchy, the graphics and sound are honestly really well-made for the time, and the gameplay/exploration in the game is also fun! I also really like the PDA system, in which, you can learn about real aspects of the culture, geography, languages, landmarks, etc. of the 6 countries in the game: England, Egypt, China, Bhutan, India, and Australia.

It has all the charm of classic 90's cartoons on a Saturday morning, but with the pleasant addition of it being playable. This is definitely one of my favorites from my childhood, and it was a pleasure to replay through the whole game again as an adult when I replayed it yesterday.