Stardew Valley is an enjoyable and lovely RPG game that I have enjoyed very much for many, many years now; ever since 2016. Although there are many farming games on Steam, I have never found a farming/agricultural game that has had nearly as much diversity as Stardew Valley, and Stardew Valley is definitely the most fun one, in my opinion!

Stardew Valley's farming is peaceful and enjoyable, and I love it, but I also love that there's so much more that you can do besides farming! The game is chock-full of content and options, and lots of different activities to explore, as well as a lovely game world to explore, filled with charm, color, and personality. In the game, you can raise animals, build collections, build buildings on your farm, craft items, decorate your home, catch fish, mine minerals, fight creatures in the mines, build friendships with villagers, enjoy town festivals, get married, have children/adopt, cook, learn recipes, upgrade your tools, and find artifacts! I love every single aspect of these; the game is so much fun :D

The game has quite a few villagers and buildings, and the town is fun to explore, in my opinion. Pelican Town has a lot of personality, but you can tell that the town needs some TLC, and you can chime in and help!

The gameworld is lovely, and the town's events/festivals are quite charming, especially experiencing them for the first time. There is an in-game calendar that shows the villagers' birthdays, special events, and festivals. There are festivals for each season and crops and fish for each season, so each season brings fresh content to enjoy for a new player.

I also like the quality system the game has for its items. As you progress in the game, your produce increases in quality, allowing you to sell it for more money, or build your relationship with villagers more than a normal quality gift. I enjoy the satisfaction of helping my characters master their skills ^^

I also really enjoy building relationships with the villagers. You can progress in building their friendship, and eventually date any villager or marry any villager. Throughout the development of the relationship with them, you learn more about their personality. Each villager has a different personality and different hobbies, as well as different gifts that they like or dislike. It's fun learning more about what they like and seeing their personality shine when your characters know them better. I also like that the characters' personalities are realistic; each character has both positive and negative traits. A lot of the characters are quite relatable in this way.

Stardew Valley also has a delightfully charming and relaxing soundtrack that is very appropriate for the game, and very pleasant to listen to, as well as unique songs for each season and different songs for different locations in the game, and its visuals are also pleasing and saturated.

Overall, Stardew Valley is a really great game, and it's been a pleasure to play. It's a very good thing to play to relax and to enjoy, and progressing in the game is satisfying. The only complaint that I have is that, early on in the game, fishing can be quite difficult and it can be difficult to initially make money to afford new seeds, etc.

Also, the game has modding support, which is awesome! From things like QoL improvements to graphical overhauls that change the color palette of the game, the sprites, the avatars, etc., there's so much potential for customizing the game and enjoying it even more! ^^

Plus, it is still being updated, despite being almost a decade old! But the game doesn't feel dated at all. This game has always held a special place in my heart, and I would recommend Stardew Valley in a heartbeat to anyone who likes chill, calming, comforting, fun, and immersive games. ^^

Island Saver is an enjoyable, laid-back simulation game where you play as a Bionaut, a type of astronaut that travels from place to place to remove pollution and litter from various areas in the game world. Your goal is to clean each area. As you remove the litter and goop from each area, animals start returning to their habitats. The game is likely made for children, but as an adult who is a child at heart, I loved it, and it's probably one of my favorite games.

In Island Saver, there are three campaigns/levels in the base game. Each one was enjoyable and featured its own location.

What I loved about the gameplay:

I loved that the gameplay was relaxed and satisfying. Island Saver is a really fun game to play if you feel like something light-hearted and fun that doesn't take too much stress, strategy, or time. I never felt that the gameplay was tedious, and I genuinely enjoyed the feeling of clearing each area and seeing the animals come back to each place.

I loved the visuals in the game. Island Saver has a vibrant, cartoony style to it that I enjoyed. I felt excited when I got to see the new environments for the first time and explore them.

I loved the collecting in the game. Unlike a lot of other games I've played, collecting wasn't a chore; it was not difficult to do and there weren't any collectibles that were frustrating to get to.

I enjoyed the soundtrack of the game. This game doesn't have many music tracks; you'll hear the same tunes repeatedly in the game, but that did not bother me much, since I found that all of the tracks were enjoyable to listen to.

I enjoyed the animals' appearances. They're not realistic by any means; very cartoony and sometimes humorous, but charming in their unusual style and vibrant colors.

What I think could have been better:

I feel like it would've been handy to have upgrades available earlier in the game, rather than just late-game.

Who I would recommend this game to:

Anyone and everyone interested in either light/relaxing games, animal/nature lovers like me, from children to adults, and anyone who enjoys the concept/gameplay experience this game has to provide.

My rating/verdict:

I give this game a 4.5. I don't really have any complaints, other than that I wish there were more upgrades available in the game!

Please give it a try if it interests you; it's free, and honestly one of the most enjoyable games I've played in a while; in my personal opinion. I played both DLC and enjoyed them quite a bit. They both had great areas, gameplay, and animals.

I would recommend buying them if you enjoy the regular game; they're cheap, and give you a few more enjoyable hours of the game!

Delightful, charming game about wildlife conservation, discovery, and family. The exploration is so much fun, and the animals are super cute! This is such a sweet game, and I would recommend it to nature lovers of all ages.


In ABZU, you play as a somewhat robotic-looking diver who has a huge, vast ocean to explore.

In the world of ABZU, there are hundreds of fish that you can encounter, and all kinds of different environments that you can see. The graphics and the colorful aspects of each of the environments give this game so much life and so much charm, and the variety of fish is stunning. From small to gigantic, you will encounter fish, whales, and numerous other sea creatures, each one very accurately modeled and resembling real-life species.

In the game, you go from environment to environment, and sometimes, there are simple puzzles that you must solve, such as needing to unchain a gate to cross to the next area. The gameplay is mostly quite laid back, though, and there's a vast ocean to explore. There are some collectible items in ABZU that you can collect as well, such as finding little "dens" of fish that you need to uncover, and sea shells to collect.

ABZU is quite a relaxing game, overall, although a few moments of the game are somewhat unsettling. The experience of the gameplay and the environment was extremely immersive for me, and the detail in the game is stunning.

Overall, ABZU is an absolutely incredible game, in my opinion. The environment and the soundtrack of ABZU are breathtakingly beautiful, and the gameplay is relaxing. Some of the areas in the game left me breathless, quite honestly, and I'm sure that anyone who is fascinated with the ocean, just like myself, will love this game. ^.^

Undertale is a fun and unique RPG game that allows the player to do something that most games do not.

Have you ever wondered, why in many RPG games, you have to kill everything, and you have to seek getting as much EXP as possible? Why do you have to kill everything? What if you could befriend them, and learn their story, instead?

In Undertale, you play as a human who has fallen into Mt. Ebott, somehow surviving their fall by falling into a bed of golden flowers. During this time, tensions are strong between humans and monsters, as the humans and monsters are involved in a war. The humans had sealed the monsters into the underground, trapping them with a barrier.

As you explore the Underground, and as you progress in the game, you will meet new friends, new enemies. you will meet many different kinds of monsters. Some hostile at first, and some friendly, each monster in Undertale seems to have a different and unique personality.

You can be either a pacifist or genocidal, but I prefer only taking the pacifist route, as the pacifist route of the game is heartwarming and uplifting, and it allows me to hear more about the Monsters and their perspectives and their story in Undertale, and also, well... if you're like me, you'll get quite attached to these charming characters. (I have played the Pacifist route four times, and the game is still super fun and charming!)

In Undertale, as you explore, you will also see all sorts of cool environments, and hear the game's acclaimed great soundtrack.

Every character in Undertale has their strengths and weaknesses, and their flaws and their good traits, too. With their unique and varied personalities, many of Undertale's characters have become relatable for quite a few fans of the game, and I admire games that put so much care and attention into its characters and its writing.

Although the game can be creepy and foreboding at times, the game also has many moments of humor, fun, and silliness!

Undertale, in its pacifist run, has been one of the funniest, most uplifting, emotional, and heartwarming games that I have ever played. I have no complaints about the game, and I would encourage anyone to play! Don't mind the fan-base, and give Undertale a try. In my eyes, it is essential that you go into this game blind, and not let yourself uncover spoilers, as the game has its share of surprises and events! ^.^

A Bird Story was a short, but emotional and very charming little story that I enjoyed very much, and that touched my heart.

You play as a young boy who loves animals and loves the outdoors. When he's at home or at school, his life is often mediocre and boring, but you can see him enjoying himself outside when he can go to the forest. One day, he comes across a small bird in the forest. The bird's wing is broken, so he takes the bird and rescues it, bringing it back to his apartment. Although the bird needs healing, the boy is afraid of anyone taking the bird away from him, and he tries to nurse it back to health himself.

The story is short but beautiful and heartwarming, and I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a nice story, and bird-lovers like myself. Its soundtrack is quite pretty as well, and I don't have any complaints about this game. It's such a nice little story, and just like To The Moon, I love it. ^.^

I overall really liked this game! The gameplay was fun, and the music and visual style are great, and I enjoy the character designs and little details that liven up the worlds. All of the flora and fauna designs are quite cute and interesting, as are the bosses and antagonists. I really like the charm of Super Lucky's Tale. It's suitable for all ages, so it's a great game for kids and adults alike.

The cons of the game are that:

The camera is glitchy, and I found it rather frequent that camera perspectives can be confusing, especially when you play as Lucky in the background of a level. Additionally, sometimes, some of the levels are kind of tricky, in my opinion. The final boss of the level took me quite a while, so I can imagine this game may still be somewhat difficult for kids.


Overall, I think Super Lucky is a great game for kids, or people of all ages who enjoy lighthearted cute games, like myself. I still enjoyed this game as an adult woman. If you love cutesy aesthetics, foxes, and lighthearted fun, you'll most likely enjoy this. :3

I love it. ^^

If you enjoy RPG games or games that don't take themselves too seriously and like to be silly and fun, or, if you like cats, like me, you'll enjoy Cat Quest. ^.^

Music & Sound:
The music for the game is well-composed and suits the game nicely, and I think the sound effects sound good, too. The only complaint I have about the sound department of the game is that there are not many music tracks, and you'll hear the same songs often, but I don't mind much, since I think the music of the game is good.

Cat Quest is, in my opinion, quite visually appealing. It has a simple and cute style with vibrant colors, and to me, it looks like the graphics had a lot of work put into them with their painted style.

Gameplay & Quests:
The gameplay of Cat Quest consists of combat with monsters, main questing and side-questing, and mine exploration. It also has collectible special items that you can only get when you get a certain upgrade that allows you to use golden keys. I think this is a nice addition and gives the game more time that can be put into it if the player desires to collect all that he or she can.

The combat style is enjoyable, and somewhat unique, in my opinion, as I haven't played many other games like it. It consists of having to balance your timing well to strike the enemy and not get struck, yourself. The spells are simple, but fun to use, and can aid you in battle pretty well. I find that some enemies are definitely harder to dodge than others, and it can be challenging when you are at an early level in the game, though.

There is quite a variety of side quests, and I think the majority of them are written well. There is lots of charming humor in this game, in my opinion, though if you don't like puns, you won't enjoy it. I enjoy some of the storylines of the side quests, and I enjoy that some of them have little moral lessons to them too, like one where you have to help a twin brother defeat the internal guilt he has for not being able to save his twin sister, and another one where a character discovers the worth of generosity.

I enjoy that this game is enjoyable for me, as a young adult, but still suitable and likely still very fun for kids and young teens, as well, and overall, I give this game a 4.5/5. The only complaints I have are that the music can get a bit repetitive, and some of the enemies are a bit difficult to dodge and get used to when you're early in the game, but I still think this game is overall very good.

Epistory - Typing Chronicles is a game in which you play as a girl who rides upon a giant fox.

I loved the game's beautiful art style. The environments in the game are all quite unique, with their own coloration and atmospheres, and the attention to detail of the scenery and the architecture is quite beautiful.

I also enjoyed the soundtrack to the game, though I have heard some minor looping issues for some of the tracks. Nevertheless, its soundtrack is still quite lovely, and each track fits the mood of its level quite well.

I enjoyed the gameplay a lot, and I think it was a fun game to play. I've never played a typing game that is as fun as this one. I think it does an excellent job of combining typing with adventure, and the four different magic elements are a nice touch. I also enjoy games that let you gather collectibles, and I think it was a cool addition to this game. ^.^

The few issues I have with the game are these:

- The story was kind of vague, and I wish that certain things would've been explained.

- Some of the music tracks, as I mentioned, don't loop seamlessly.

Despite those flaws, I still very much enjoyed the game. I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys adventure games, games with unique art styles, and games that let you explore quite a bit. ^.^

Papo & Yo is a puzzle adventure game where you play as a Brazilian boy named Quico, who is hiding from his alcoholic father at the beginning of the game. While hiding in his closet during one of his father's drunken rages, clutching his favorite toy, a robot doll named Lula, Quico discovers a strange chalk mark on the wall, and touching it, finds himself taken to a dream-like world.

The dream world is incredibly whimsical and fascinating, and it turns its Brazilian environments into a dream where Quico can manipulate objects, enter portals, and use special panels. With special panels on objects, he can push, pull, and move objects with ease, moving houses in place and pulling staircases out of houses. Lula also becomes animated and helps guide Quico through the world.

Quico eventually meets a young girl named Alejandra, who doesn't understand him or his intentions and attempts to slow him with puzzles.

Quico eventually comes across a creature known as Monster, a massively strong beast with razor-sharp teeth. Quico sees it as his friend, although the creature is powerful and has strength unknown to him.

Throughout the game, Quico sometimes has flashbacks of things that have happened and bad memories of his father. These can be very haunting and sad, but are quite the wake-up call to what addictions can do, and the damage that an addicted parent can do to one's child.

Papo & Yo is an incredible game so far. The game is very whimsical and detailed, and the gameplay so far is quite fun, although certain puzzles can be a bit difficult. Its visuals and graphics are very nice as well, and breathtaking to see. Its exciting and beautiful soundtrack suits the game very well, and I like how they often kept the theme true to traditional Brazilian music. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys puzzle games and anyone who enjoys whimsical game worlds. ^.^

OPUS: The Day We Found Earth, although a short game, was an enjoyable and relaxing experience of a game. Although there are not many characters, the story was charming.

You play as a small robot named Emeth who is currently in many years in the future, when humans have long left their planet of origin to live among the stars. By then, Earth has become a mysterious and little-known planet, treated as if mythical. After many years of genetic engineering, the human gene pool has been deteriorating, however, and the only way to save it is to find samples on Earth. Project Earth then started building and constructing the spaceship known as OPUS, and your goal as Emeth is to find Earth, somewhere in the galaxy.

OPUS: The Day We Found Earth was a charming and pleasant little game, with a lovely soundtrack, and with a nice story. The visuals were also pretty, and looking at all of the stars and planets was relaxing and thought-provoking for me. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes story-rich games, and relaxing games, as well as anyone who enjoys the idea of sci-fi stories. ^.^

To The Moon was quite an experience of a game for me.

In To The Moon, you play as scientists who are part of a corporation called the Sigmund Corp. They are developing a technology that can create artificial memories, and they offer this as a "wish fulfillment" service to people who are about to pass away, so that they may pass on more peacefully. However, these artificial memories conflict with the patient's real memories, and the procedure is only legal to do on people without much time left to live.

Sigmund Corp. employees Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts are requested to provide fulfillment to the lifelong dream of the dying Johnny Wyles, Although he never could explain why, Johnny's lifelong dream was always to go to the moon. The doctors use special headgear and devices that allows them to interact and put themselves into an interactive compilation of his memories, and traverse backward through his life, from his elder years to his childhood.

The more time goes on through the memories, the more Eva and Neil learn about Johnny and his life. They find mementos, and learn about him, what brought him to his career, and his marriage. I will not spoil anything else, as the game is an absolutely incredible experience to enjoy being blind to the story and going into hearing and seeing it for the first time. However, I will say that To The Moon has so many emotionally impactful moments, some of hope, some of despair, some of fear and some of pain. You will see the memories through Johnny's mind, and start to develop knowledge about his life, as well as possibly think about your own.

The game's story and emotional impact are amazing and incredible, and To The Moon still remains one of the most emotional and touching games that I've ever played. The soundtrack is also absolutely beautiful, and adds to the atmosphere in the game.

I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a story-rich game with plenty of emotion, and lots of real-life stuff to think about, too. It was an incredible experience of a game, and I cannot recommend it enough. ^.^

Sanctum is a strategy/FPS hybrid game with tower defense tied in, complimented by its exciting and catchy sci-fi soundtrack and awesome environments.

In Sanctum, you play as a soldier known as Autumn Skye, and you must defend The Core, the power source for all of your towers and for your entire base. Aliens of different forms will come and attempt to attack it, and attack you and your friends. Each enemy has different strategies of attacking, and each one has different weak-spots, where hits will do more damage than the hits would on the other parts of their bodies. Some of these enemies are airborne, and will attack from above, and some will attack ground-level.

There are 16 maps in the base-game Sanctum, and each have different amounts of space for your tower bases. You can arrange them however you like, and you and your friends must build a maze to make it so that the aliens, known as the Lumes, will have the hardest time possible attempting their reach to your Core. You must use your resources to build new towers, upgrade old towers, and upgrade your weapons.

Sanctum is a fun game to play with friends, or in single-player alike, and the variation to the enemies, weapons, and towers is pretty cool. I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys strategy games, FPS games, and tower defense games, as well as those who like sci-fi themes. ^.^

Sanctum 2 is a strategy/FPS hybrid game with tower defense tied in, complimented by its exciting and catchy sci-fi soundtrack and cool environments.

In Sanctum 2, there are four characters to choose from, unlike the original Sanctum with just one. You may play as Skye Autumn, a soldier who specializes in using her assault rifle, Sweet Autumn, Skye's little sister who specializes in her missile-launching REX weapon, SiMo, a robot who specializes in its sniper rifle, and a soldier named Haigan Hawkins, who uses a shotgun. The four characters have different specialties in their passive abilities, as well.

As you level up in Sanctum 2, you will gain the ability to use different perks, that give your character different boosts and buffs that can help make certain tasks easier, make combat more effective, and give the Lumes a harder time at trying to win. Eventually, when you reach the maximum level for your character, you can use any weapon that you want with any character. There is also a system called "Feats of Strength" that allows you to make levels harder, but in return, provides you with more experience.

In Sanctum 2, just like the original Sanctum, you must defend The Core, the power source for all of your towers and for your entire base. Aliens of different forms will come and attempt to attack you, your friends, and your Core on the way. Each enemy has different strategies for attacking, and each type has different weak spots, where hits will do more damage than the hits would on the other parts of their bodies. Some of these enemies are airborne and will attack from above, and some will attack ground-level. There are also numerous bosses in Sanctum 2, and many of them can destroy your towers, leaving you to rely on your weapons and hope for the best.

There are four chapters in Sanctum 2, each with four different maps, in the base game. Each one will have different amounts of space for your tower bases, and you can arrange them however you like depending on the availability of the tiles. You and your friends must attempt to build a maze to make it so that the aliens, known as the Lumes, will have the hardest time possible attempting their reach to your Core. You must use your resources to build new towers and upgrade old towers.

Sanctum 2's environments are pretty cool, and the graphics are very nice. The soundtrack, composed by Leonard Hummer, is exciting, sci-fi, suitable for the game, and very enjoyable to listen to on its own. The gameplay is fun, and there's plenty of fun to be had with both Sanctum 2 and the original.

Overall, Sanctum 2 is a fun game to play with friends, or in single-player alike, and the variation in the enemies, weapons, and towers is pretty cool. It can certainly be a difficult game at times, but it's still quite fun overall. I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys strategy games, FPS games, and tower defense games, as well as those who like sci-fi themes, and anyone who enjoyed the original Sanctum. I wish it were a little bit less difficult solo, but I still enjoyed it overall!

Bastion is a really cool action game with some amazing environments, an excellent soundtrack, and a mysterious, but ever-so-intriguing narrator.

You play as a boy simply known as "The Kid." who lives in the world of Bastion, which suddenly suffers a catastrophic event only known as "The Calamity." Not much is known about The Kid, at first, but later on in the game, you'll be able to access an area where your backstory can be heard and explained.

In the world of Bastion, during The Calamity, the world started drifting apart, and islands started breaking up. Suddenly, monsters started to attack these various islands, and every single person in the game's world has been turned to stone... or is everyone?

In Bastion, the ground comes up under The Kid's feet as he walks; the ground that remains, that is. You must visit these broken-up islands, eliminate the enemies that attack you, and collect shards of power so that you can provide power to a large structure called "The Bastion," which becomes your player's home base. It also becomes the only safe haven, as well as the player's space for new buildings that can be built, which allow many different bonuses, utilities, and also some options that can provide different challenges.

The game's currency, fragments, can be used to purchase upgrades, make buildings, and improve weapons. Gaining experience also boosts the player's stats and gives them more health. Throughout the game, there are various weapons that you can collect, although you can only have two equipped at a time. You can also equip a special attack, and there are quite a few different types in the game. Enemies drop potions, that, when drunk, can restore some health or give you the special items needed in order for you to use your special attack moves. In order to change your weapons, you must use an arsenal at The Bastion.

The environments in Bastion are very nicely made and quite unique. Each one has a different look and feel to it, as well as different enemies. You'll often find structures and ruins, and places where life suddenly stopped; when The Calamity hit. You will come across many fun and challenging areas, as well as challenges that reward you with EXP and with other items.

Bastion's soundtrack, written by Darren Korb, is stellar. It's very fitting to the game and very immersive. It's got its unique style something along the lines of a hybrid of Western-folksy music, breakbeat, and acoustic.

In the game, you will meet some new characters as well, but I will not spoil anything about them in this review. Their personalities are quite varied, just like the landscapes in Bastion.

I would recommend Bastion to anyone who loves action games with fun combat and with a really cool story! Super fun play, though it can be quite difficult. ^^'