97 Reviews liked by ResonanceJay

I kinda wish the civil war questline was a bit more expanded.

other than that, it's skyrim.

a bit hypocritical if you look at my fallout 2 review, but I kind of like this game's jank. vvardenfell is such an alien setting that the weird look of npcs, and the chafe-walk that everybody does, feel like they belong perfectly.

however, I found it hard to separate the main game from the DLCs, and thus I found myself exploring tunnels of assassins WAYYY off the main path because... I don't know, I wanted to explore, but it felt unfulfilling because I had no idea why I was there.

I like the game's mystery, it really feels great to explore the island and actually find shit - since items feel much more expensive than skyrim or oblivion, items that you own feel much more personal and like you worked hard to get them.

I care for this game, a lot, but it totally has its jank. I love the setting, although if vegas' outer rim feels totally dead and lifeless. blah blah that's the point of fallout, but why would a region that was protected from the blasts be so sparse (besides technical limitations)?

fuck you zulf you made me cry

it's minecraft
even vanilla it's an amazing game, although I find modded minecraft to be juuuust a bit more fun and varied

"Isaac and his Isaac lived alone in a small Isaac on a Isaac."

I feel terrible for being this mean to a game that is essentially the momma to one of my top 5, but I need to be honest about my experience with this game. this game runs at like 20 fps at best, glitches like nothing else, has like 20% of the content repentance era Isaac has, and no controller support which is honestly the biggest death sentence for this game, Isaac on keyboard is awful imo. obviously it came first so the content issue isn't this game's fault, but it's another reason you shouldn't even be fucked to pick this one up. it doesn't help that I have no nostalgia for this game, I was only like 13 when afterbirth came out? so that's the one I grew up with. I'm sure this game was great when you didn't have other options, but now you do. this game got outclassed, and there ain't much point to it now. play repentance

the potential in this game is so amazing, and it's expanded even more with dlc and mods. the idea of this colony building game being a story generator where you make up the story is so neat, and leads to so many scenarios where suddenly you give a shit about your pawns and their environment because you've made up stories about them and grown attached to them. there's plenty of humor in there as well, such as being ambushed by a pack of yorkies thirsting for your blood.
the music in this game is fucking incredible too, and fits the mood perfectly no matter what's happening. this game is genuinely outstanding.