99 Reviews liked by ResonanceJay

the game really shows its age, I could never really get into its combat system. an isometric combat system, or an action TPS would work better for me than the game's current combat system. obviously, it's an rpg, and not a combat game, but since there's sooo much fighting it's hard to get to the RPG part.

I could never get past the first fucking dog raid, but I liked the game's depth and I wish I could have explored more of it. if only those dogs didn't ruin everything and I wasn't too young to think of a good counter to them.

it'ssss unique, it's fun, but it's kind of just a novelty. I'm sure it's wonderful in VR, the medium of novelties.

the game's art is wonderful, I love its unique setting, and I could never have too much emilie. however, the game's combat system (of which there is a lot) was really rough on my hands, since it involves a LOT of tapping as well as pressing and holding. so, I could never play for long without my hands cramping up, which is a shame because I wanted to see this game through.

ultimate classic roguelike
it's a kick-your-ass game but that adds to its charm. victories feel like a blessing, but your myriad failures could lead you to eventually dropping the game because you don't want to invest that much time into split-second dodges.

I found oblivion boring and unfulfilling. I miss the wackier fantasy setting of morrowind, replaced with a generic england-lite fantasy realm. I think I would have enjoyed the game more if it retained cyrodiil as a jungle with the romans in it.

like morrowind and skyrim, the combat is just waggling your weapon and occasionally your shield at your opponent until you win. for thieves, you have more options, and with magic, even more. however, I never really felt encouraged to keep going, because leveling up was SUCH a slog. you can only cast so many spells, but you can certainly jump around all the time and you are CONSTANTLY swinging your weapons around, leveling up those skills. I know it's more realistic to have to practice cantrips, acrobatics, and so on on your way to various destinations, but let's be real I don't want to have to do that in order to enjoy my game. let me handle practicing in the real world, and let me enjoy magical power in my fantasy video game.

god I love this game so much. the controls, which are super tight, are paired with lovely little techs and mechanics that are totally optional but super fun to pull off.

I love the game's characters and story, even if I only really got the badeline thing on my second time around when I was in a much better place (the game isn't telling you to become one with your flaws; it's saying that you can't just abandon them and pretend they're not a part of you. you have to cope and come to terms with them before you can really get over them).

the music in this game is so fantastic, and playing it to chill out with friends is always fun. I kinda wish there was a bit more to do, but runs last so long and have so many outcomes and items to use that it never feels boring.

help I can't kill the fucking grandpa empires

I think iceborne might be the perfect dlc
just... a real ending to a game that already has an ending. master rank monsters, a beautiful new map and hub, and a neat little story to go with it.

it's fun and the music is goofy. the romance and farming mechanic are super unique, and take a little bit to get used to, but they're fun to play with.


it's fun, it's cute, it's horny, and I totally used a guide. the little mythos and world it spawned is lovely, and I love polish skull man's art style.

I played this with a partner and it was so much fun. even singleplayer, it's so relaxing and you can sink SOOO much time into it. however, like skyrim, sometimes I kinda just ran out of steam to continue and put the game down.