"It looks like the lock is broken. I can't open it."

It's more fun to think about Silent Hill than actually play the game. This game is heavily flawed - the combat is absolutely horrendous, the tank controls are bulky, some of the puzzles are a bit too cryptic, and the exploration with locked doors all over the place makes progressing an absolute slog. Because of that, I will probably never play this game again. On the other hand, it has superb sound design, creates a really unique atmosphere, and unfolds its story beautifully. I don't really know if I liked it, but I can't deny that this is one of the most unique games I've played, with some very high highs, especially in its narrative part.

Is this the future of gaming now? Making games that are relying on AI-Upscalers to achieve a playable framerate?
If a current Mid-range GPU (4070 / 6800XT) is struggling to hit 60FPS on native 1440p then you clearly have an optimization problem.

Saying that it was made with upscalers in mind is not a valid reason, it's just a lazy excuse to skip the optimization process.

This is a comedic masterpiece. The writing is absolute dogshit, but that's exactly the reason why it's so great.
It's not intentionally funny and they really try hard to tell a twisty thriller narrative that you should care about, but they fail so immensely in every aspect. This is the closest "The Room" equivalent in video game form you can find - it's just great. Will definitely replay at some point.

Despite all of its technical flaws upon its release, this is still a very underwhelming game. The genre mix of Deathloop is definitely unique and also its biggest selling point. But with only four level to explore it is just a matter of time until things get repetitive and stale. While typical rogue-lites hook the player with changing level patterns, different enemy placements and rng based loadout progressions, deathloop tends to not break its main structure at all. Deathloop is against my expecation not a sandbox-type of game - its linear, and linearity destroys everything that could be fun in a genre mix like that.

Valve be like: Hey fellow PC-Gamer, you ever heard of something called a “C-O-N-T-R-O-L-L-E-R”? It has X,Y,A,B buttons, shoulder buttons and two analog-sticks which… I know it sounds crazy, but you can actually tilt them in any direction you want! It probably sounds a bit far stretched but you might be able to play games with this magical device!

But in all seriousness, it’s a charming introduction for the steam deck.

Absolutely underwhelming game, Forza Horizon 5 offers the exact same experience as its predecessor, just with prettier graphics. Same tedious progression system, dumb AI that drives in a perfect selected line and dialogues that must be written by a person who just found out what twitter is, at least it’s definitely the most cringe I’ve experienced in a game since Need for Speed Heat.

It’s not like the Forza Horizon games are bad arcade racing titles in general, it’s just that this new entry is absolutely lazy trying to improve itself in any way. Don’t change a working formular, I guess.

Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart is currently the best looking next-gen title and also one of the only games that uses the PS5 hardware as a whole with its fast SSD, the dual sense features and offers high graphical fidelity. If you own a PS5 then this will be the best tech demonstration you can get for your system right now. The question is just, how remarkable will this game be in a few years?

If you put the visuals aside, rift apart ends up being a very bland experience. I pretty much have the same criticism here as with Insomniacs previously released titles. While they definitely nail the controls of their games, everything else from level structure to enemy types remains very repetitive throughout the entire game. Aside from one single enemy type with a shield, which pushes the player to get a bit creative, everything else is just “use everything you currently have freely”. The game doesn’t want you to push into a playstyle, but if the game doesn’t push the player into any challenge whatsoever, the game just feels forgettable and mindless. All boss fights in the game are sharing similar mechanics, mostly there is a laser beam you need to dodge with a side-jump or something similar. It doesn’t matter if you are fighting against a robot with laser beams or a dinosaur which throughs rocks at you, both are sharing the same mechanics gameplay-wise. Even the final boss of the game is doing nothing new.

Level design is also pretty bad, especially in the second world, where a lot of paths are getting blocked by invisible walls. The game also doesn’t implement further obtained upgrades into its level design. There is an upgrade in the game which lets you ramp up a lot of speed to traverse faster through the map and jump further. The upgrade is only really used in the level the upgrade itself gets introduced, afterwards its just an optional thing for combat. There was a lot of situations where I reached a place with the mentioned upgrade and then I realized afterwards, that this was not the intentional way I should get here.

The overall platforming was also reduced by a lot. There is not a single challenging platforming passage in the whole game and even the optional levels, which should offer a bit more of a challenge are offering laughable easy platforming. I wouldn’t even call Ratchet&Clank a platformer anymore if I’m being honest.

Sure, there are cool set pieces, the visuals are amazing and the gunplay satisfying, but the combat is mindless even on the highest difficulty setting, the story serviceable & the level design mediocre at its best.

If this game would have released outside of the Pokémon IP, no one would care about it. Unite is the essence of everything that is going wrong in the gaming industry today. It’s a prime example of all kind of microtransactions you can implement: Fomo mechanics trough battle passes, compulsion loops, different currency systems, lootboxes, heavy grinding and to top all of that, it even includes pay-to-win mechanics. It’s an absolute disgusting game.

One of the worst platformers I’ve ever played. What started as a colorful collectathon ends up being a total edgy/tonal mess between GTA and Ratchet&Clank. The writing is an absolut cringefest, the driving & weapon controls are wonky as heck and the insane difficulty spikes you encounter through this game will make you rage like no other. If you want to see bad game design, just play Jak 2. It’s also full of gimmick nonsense, driving missions and basically everything else you don’t want to encounter in a platforming title. Absolutely awful.

Not a bad game but the microtransactions are just ridiclious.

This game has every mechanic you can imagine to squeeze out every single penny from the player.
It has several starting editions, regular ingame purchases, exp & credit booster, FOMO mechanics & gacha elements. (Season Passes with an attached VIP status was also a thing)

Considering how many microtransaction mechanics are in place, this game should be free2play, but it isn’t. They’re also locking operators (which is a key gameplay element) behind a pay or grind wall. What a joke.

Story full of cliches, tropes and an incredibley forced plot-twist. All decisions made in the game and how characters are behaving is just plain stupid. I absolutely can't imagine that somone who already saw more then three action flicks will find the plot exciting or intriguing in any way. Also the huge selling point of the game, the coop gameplay, is just horrible. It's ridclisouly easy and doesn't require any way of coordination or tactic whatsover. You basically can't fail in this game. It's an interactive movie that plays itself and not a fun coop experience.

I give the game some credits for the first chapter (the only good part in the game) and the overall idea. "A Way Out" could have been so much better if they had focused more on the main aspect of the game and made the gameplay more complex and challenging, but they rather decided to put their effort in creating a generic plot to make it more cinematic and appealing to a wider audience. At the end of the day it fails on both ends.

Mario Maker, before Mario Maker was a thing. Forgotten masterpiece from the 90s.