1CC registry

Links to runs included if available, otherwise I guess you'll just have to take my word on it...roughly ordered by difficulty/hours put in

Hard - Survival - 64M + FB Perfect Bonus

Planning for a higher score eventually
Hard - 4M - Annie
1-All - 327k
Hard - Survival - 330M + FB Perfect Bonus - Isa & Kachi

(NA version)

No upload because I had to pause (extremely briefly) at one point during the stream and I want to do something even better eventually (without any stupid milking)...though I'll share it if you ask lol
Normal - 92.1% total kill rate / "Sharpshooter" rank

Yep, this isn't the OG...I was playing my brother's digital version of this during a family vacation and got it first-try without any practice (he still hasn't even played it yet). Really, most of my brain power was spent on processing how fugly most of the new cutscene and environmental direction was...hoping that "Normal" is still equivalent to the Saturn version so I can just mark that down instead lol

EP1 - 96.3%
EP2 - 88.7%
EP3 - 100%
EP4 - 93.9%
EP5 - 83.3%
EP6 - 90.5%
Got through most of the 2nd loop...it counts...
1,141,400pts. - 95.3% total kill rate / Dragoon Warrior rank

Scored as soon as my physical copy came in, though as a result ADEC was lower so I was getting less off of the special bonuses...granted, I forgot to turn on the full UI anyway, so I was mostly shooting in the dark.

EP2 - 100%
EP3 - 98.5% (accidentally went Route 1)
EP4 - 93.1%
EP5 - 91.7%
EP6 - 95.4%
Survival - 7.1M - Shishin
Survival/Low-rank - 5.38M - Bond-C (Original mode/blue bullets)

Survival/Low-Rank - Dyne-C - 5.23M
(also with blue bullets...I played this credit for fun and got the clear on accident lol, really intending to use red from now on)


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