1CC registry

Links to runs included if available, otherwise I guess you'll just have to take my word on it...roughly ordered by difficulty/hours put in

Survival - 7.1M - Shishin
Survival/Low-rank - 5.38M - Bond-C (Original mode/blue bullets)

Survival/Low-Rank - Dyne-C - 5.23M
(also with blue bullets...I played this credit for fun and got the clear on accident lol, really intending to use red from now on)
Hard - Survival - 330M + FB Perfect Bonus - Isa & Kachi

(NA version)

No upload because I had to pause at one point during the stream and I want to do something even better eventually (without any stupid milking)...though I'll share it if you ask lol
Hard - Survival - 64M + FB Perfect Bonus

Planning for a higher score eventually
1-All - 327k
Hard - 4M - Annie
Got through most of the 2nd loop...it counts...


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