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RickySCollection reviewed Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
If you're an aspirer who enjoys video games, this is for you. If flaunting to your parents (or great grandparents) about how you beat Super Mario Bros. was a feat, then think again. To your ancestors (or possibly even you), Mike Tyson's Punch Out is a nightmarish game. Iron Mike is a not a foe, not a monster, but a demon in the cartridge. Once you see Mike hit the mat for the last time, you'll feel the power radiating from the game finally subside. If you wish to challenge this game, know that it will haunt you until you muster up the courage to take on the dream fight.

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

RickySCollection reviewed Fallout 4
Ignoring New Vegas fans telling you that Bethesda would beat you up and take your lunch money, this game is pretty satisfying to play. I made this review with a tin can and a pack of duct tape.

5 days ago

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