didn’t enjoy the experience.

Disney fucking murdered on this franchise and left its bloody corpse in the open for all to see.

Despite how much I absolutely loved this series as a child, IT WAS ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT.


Absolutely adored this game as a child and I do so even more now as an adult, I can’t tell you HOW MANY TIMES my sibling would delete my COMPLETED save file, and so I’d have to beat it ALL OVER AGAIN.

I also spent a lot of time in the minigames & ‘VS’ sections because of the whole dual cartridge thing.

Very very very fun game, such a fuckin shame Nintendo decided to ruin the franchise with oversaturated sequels.

My all-time favourite Rabbids-related game ever made.

Rabbids Go Home for the DS is such a hidden gem dude, its a fantastic puzzle game, its music gets stuck in your head & YOU CAN BRING YOUR RABBID INTO THE REAL WORLD DUDE, LIKE HELL YEAH!!!

Very underrated masterpiece, love it.

I played the shit outta this game when I was younger, my favourite part was definitely the little Stitch-destruction game.

Loved it.

A classic, if you got any of the 3DS systems and you have never tried this??? Like WHAT ARE YOU EVEN LIVING? Peak 3ds-ware.

I collected Jeffrey Epstein’s face.

It’s a solid entry, it’s got some great tracks and some decent fun to be had, although, with a (soon-to-be) defunct online service I don’t think I’ll have any reason to revisit it when 8 does everything it did, but better.

I absolutely loved this game as a kid, and replaying it still makes smile.

A very good way to introduce players to your world without forcing them to use a computer 👍 loved it

I couldn’t fucking get past like the first area, fuck this game, and THIS FILTH was my first interaction with any Sonic game as a child.

God have mercy on anyone ever looking to replay this game.

A very fun game, I haven’t beat it yet and I don’t think I want to just cause I feel like the rage would sour my experience BUT that doesn’t take away from how awesome of a game this is; the soundtrack, the second-life visuals, and who could forget about the fact that the main character is TOREE.

Overall a very nice game to relax and play. Might go back and beat the boss but idk.

A pretty fun game, definitely enjoyed beating this.

It holds up and stands its ground beside the other Mario 3D titles.

One of the greatest world-sim games on the mobile-gaming market, definitely worth your money.

Loved trying to figure out all the achievements n stuff!

Hope this games gets all the praise it deserves!

My first Luigi’s Mansion game and boy did I love the absolute shit outta this thing.

I spent my entire time at secondary school playing THIS GAME, this game was my life support for the longest time.

I have always loved this game, but as an adult now, I DO understand the hate. I just still think it was so unnecessary to complain about a franchise no longer appealing to you, especially when there were other scarier franchises at the time.

Can’t wait for the HD version.

I absolutely loved this game, but I hate RPGs.. I was more so in it for the fun life-sim features this game had, bringing my little guys over from Tomodachi Life to play this, was so so so fun.

The popular faces tab was always filled with memes and it was so so funny

An awesome game from the best era of Pokémon games (the DS era), this was my bread and butter dude.

The music, the visuals, the whole seasons mechanic & the Pokémon designs are the best in the entire series.