The grinding was fine
BIG improvement over Rush

pc port sucks which prevents me from playing more

EDIT: the port is good now it has rollback

mediocre compared to the previous ones. nice if you enjoy terraforming tho.

Linux port could be way better but it is still the sandbox game of all time

EDIT: Base PSO2 is one of the best MMOs. Don't play NGS.

(Written as of Stia Part 2 and Dark Falz UQ, will be edited when new content releases)

First of all, I never got much into vanilla PSO2 because the window simply passed me (and also New Genesis did not add support for Proton until recently) so I entered NGS blind.

Truth is, I don't like MMOs, but seeing as this one is made by SEGA, which is my favorite game development studio (despite everything they have been through) I was fairly optimistic that I would find something to enjoy.

To start of with the first area, it's a nice starting point but that's all I can say on it. It definitely grew on me more after playing the other worlds, but nothing incredible. But it's also the first world to showcase the game's biggest problem: repetition. I really do hope you enjoy the gameplay like I do, because you will be facing the same waves of enemies for quiteeeeee a while.

Fortunately, I'll argue the second area is the peak of the game for me. Way less repetition, more emphatic characters, Nadereh gets introduced, and the area actually evolves correspondingly to how much you progress to the story.

Third world is boring.

Latest world so far seems like a mixture of 1 and 2: emphatic story but some repetition in gameplay. The latter actually making sense because of the story's structure this time around, so it doesn't feel as boring as the first area.

The game's areas look absolutely stunning. I don't know who designed these but they nailed the look of them. It's not anything groundbreaking design wise, but they work very well.
If you wonder why the overall negative reception to this game, it's because the launch months were absolutely terrible. It wasn't until the second area where the game started to form.

So far, the game is very oriented to casual play, and sometimes the combats can get a little boring because of it, but overall this game can really only get better. We'll see.

I hope that whoever decided to make the community mechanic mandatory got fired from the team

this is the most guilty gear game in existence