I intend on getting 100% in this game, but it isn't as good as the first two, so I haven't been as motivated to play it to completion yet. Still pretty fun for the most part though.

Galaxy HD was a dream of mine, so when it actually happened I was super excited and I 100%ed the game a 3rd time, because it truly is that good.

I just tried playing this game again to capture some footage, and it is even worse than I remember. I'm sorry those people who hold this game dear, but I find it to be one of the worst Mario game. I can describe way in one sentence. When you turn around on the spot, Mario walks in a massive circle to turn around instead of immediately facing the other way, thus making any precise movement virtually impossible, which is a death sentence to a platformer.

Good for a mobile game I guess, the summoning gacha mechanic is more generous in this game compared to others I believe, but is still a knock against it. But I actually believe this game's biggest problem is actually the overly difficult side content that is simply not fun to play. So outside of collecting characters, I don't get much enjoyment out of this game. Also the female character bias is very extreme here.

An Enjoyable Mario Kart Game, that's about it.

I really tried to like this game, but there comes a point when enough is enough. The bull crap item cards that are required to progress through areas and boss fights destroy the pacing of the game if you are missing one. Additionally it is better to avoid all enemies at all costs since there is no EXP and your only reward for fighting is more card ammo... SO WHY WASTE THE AMMO YOU ALREADY HAVE TO FIGHT THEM?!?!?!?!?!

This game would probably be great is the controls didn't suck asphalt. The levels also look visually awful, and yes, I know this game was one of the first 3D games, but that shouldn't excuse it from criticism.

I don't think it is very controversial to call this the worst Mario Kart game. It is so hard to go back to this game when literally every sequel is better in virtually every way. The computers that straight up cheat is this games biggest Achilles heel, and when you lose it never feels like it was your fault, which is just bad game design.

I swear this lasers almost never hit anything. Also this games runs at like 3 fps and is extremely sluggish to play. Not recommended, even if it was revolutionary.

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Flora burning herself alive is the most ironically funny moment in the entire series.

I love how stupid Corrin is in this story, and by love I mean ABSOLUTELY DETEST. Also the elevator ride maps can burn in Heckel.

The part where Ryoma waits 25 turns is truly the Fire Emblem moment of all time.

This Lego game is kind of underrated in my opinion. I really like that the entire world is made of Legos just like in the movie.

Everyone knows this game is a Lego masterpiece, and if you don't agree; Insert Reggie "What's wrong with you?" meme.

I only ever played parts of this game, so I intend to fully play through it one day. But what little I did play was some of the best Lego content I have experienced.