I GIVE UP! The bosses in this game (specifically the castle ones) singlehandedly ruin this game, they are egregiously overpowered and can only be beaten by extreme grinding or cheese strategies that weren't intended and sometimes don't even work COUGH Vexen COUGH

What an absolute work of art, well worth the 10 year wait in my opinion. This is almost exactly everything I could have asked for in a new Pikmin game. You are committing a crime against art and gaming if you don't play this game (and you don't have to play the first 3 before this if you are wondering).

I tried this game for a little bit and it absolutely sucked. Terrible controls, boring levels, and filled with frustrating enemies and death pits

One of the weaker Lego games in my opinion. I'm not a fan of the massive battle levels or the space battle sections of the normal levels. I also just find the level design to be weaker overall here. But its still pretty good for what it is.

A pretty solid Mario platformer minus the final level which is kind of bad.

This is literally the worst remake I have ever played. It fixes none of the problems with the original game and is faithful to a FAULT (why can I only move in 8 directions, WHEN YOU COULD MOVE FREELY IN A LINK BETWEEN WORLDS WHICH RELEASED 6 YEARS BEFORE THIS GAME!?!?!?!?!!?). Also, I'm sorry to those that like it, but the art style SUCKS. The original game was limited by its hardware, but whoever made this game didn't want to make it to interpret what it would have been like to release the game in the modern day and age, but only made it because they were nostalgic for the original and ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to accept that it could ever be better than it already was. Astonishingly pathetic.

I'm not a fan of how drifting works in this game, but everything else is really great. One of the better Mario Kart games for sure.

This game is one of those "good game, bad insert franchise game" kind of games, except being a bad Metroid game is actually worse than being a bad normal game, as it feels like a betrayal of everything Metroid is supposed to be. Also I'm obligated to say "The Baby" at least once.

I feel bad for anyone who didn't pick up this collection on the Wii U Eshop for the insane steal price of $20, you know, for 3 of the BEST GAMES EVER MADE!

I think I like this game better than the first, but honestly they are pretty close in quality in my opinion.

This game has unfortunately aged and you can really feel it. Even when playing the superior All-Stars version (Which is what I am rating here).

The final and best Infinity game, the playsets in this game are actually really really good compared to the previous games. Plus the Toy Box mode is expanded a great deal, making it truly feel like there are infinite possibilities with this game.

The first game but better pretty much.

The gameplay is fun, but it is very annoying to have to walk back to where you were due to being constantly booted out of the mansions.