Super Mario Galaxy is a complete masterpiece in virtually every way and is in my opinion the best 3D Mario game to date. The level design is immaculate and the atmosphere is unmatched, and that's not even mentioning the outstanding soundtrack. To this day, Rosalina's storybook is the most impactful and meaningful piece of Mario storytelling ever put into any of the games. I could go on and on, but I'm sure most of you out there already know how good this game is.

After all these years I finally played this iconic game. I thought it was very good on the whole, but I never understood the Gummi ship stuff and so whenever I got a part for than in a chest I was very disappointed. Some of the worlds are also a bit smaller than I had hoped, but the good of the game far outweighs that stuff.

One of the best experiences in gaming, PERIOD. My only real problem with this game (other than the fact you have to get a fan translation cause "OnLy iN JaPAn") is that getting experience in the arena is super useful, but its way too hard for most characters to make it past the first 3-4 battles (Enter: emulator speed up).

This is one of those games that just gets better the more I play it (I've only done so twice thus far, but my point still stands). There is no other game like Pikmin (Other than Pikmin 2, 3, and 4 of course), and I highly recommend it to anyone.

This game is good, but extremely overrated. The soundtrack is literally just 20 songs on repeat throughout the game, and the dungeons are often more frustrating than fun. But the basic Zelda gameplay is almost always enough to make any game at least "good". Oh and on one final note, the fact that you can't beat Ganon without a hidden item that the game doesn't tell you about is pure bullcrap.

The second best Fire Emblem Game ever made (only beaten by its sequel). The characters and story are arguably never better written in any other FE game than this one. The Map design is impeccable, with creative objectives and interesting enemy positions. It isn't that difficult, but that's fine, I don't play games for the difficulty, I play them for a well designed experience. This game is so close to perfection, that I can't think of a single actual flaw. I'd tell you all to go play it, but unfortunately SOMEONE cough Nintendo cough won't re-release it for modern audiences.

Video game perfection. Retro studios asked the question "What if first person shooters were actually good?" Jk of course, but seriously, this game is genius, it uses its first person perspective to immerse you into its world better than any other game I know of. The combat is also surprisingly great, I find a lot of shooter games annoying to play with you having to constantly refill your ammo, but here you never run out. Go play it now if you haven't.

I don't care what the haters say, this is the best 2D Mario game ever made. people slag off the art direction and world themes, but this was only the second game to use this design choices, and the FIRST to use them on a home console. The level design here is amazing and unforgettable, despite all of the "GeNeRic" comments people make, the levels in this game are anything but that. I also want to say that people seem to forget just how revolutionary the multiplayer in this game was, we seem to take for granted Mario games having multiplayer these days, but this game did it first, and arguably better than almost every game after as well.

A very good RPG for sure, but not quite a masterpiece, random encounters are a pain and slightly too much of the story just amounts to "we've got to find Sephiroth". But the good parts are the kind that really stick with you. The Atmosphere and soundtrack are some of the very best in all of gaming, and whenever the story isn't just a glorified chase, it is very interesting and unique.

Honestly, I think this game is a masterpiece. Sure its general gameplay isn't as good as the three that came after it (Smash 3Ds is a separate game from Smash Wii U and I won't hear otherwise), but the collectables/achievements and Story mode (Subspace) are some of the best parts of any Smash game. In fact, Subspace Emissary alone is enough for me to controversially say that this is probably my favorite Smash Bros game.

I don't think this sequel is quite as good as the original, even if it has "objectively better level design" or whatever, because it fails to create as immersive of an atmosphere as the original, and just doesn't feel as special since it is a sequel compared to how unique the original game was. Of course it is still a masterpiece because everything else about the game is just as good as the original plus the debatably better level design to boot.

This game is peak Star Wars, and I mean that in I personally like the world and story of this game better than most of the actual Star Wars Movies and Shows. I love that each class has a completely different storyline, it makes the game incredibly replayable. Additionally the fact that everything is fully voice acted (at least until the expansions) just makes this even more impressive. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the time recently to finish all the storylines, but I full well intend to one day.

This is a good game I guess, nothing special though, and very short. What else do you want me to say?

I like that you can explore a bit and find treasure, but it is very disappointing to walk to some remote corner of the map only to find nothing lol. The combat is surprisingly well balanced in this game I must say, but shooter battles will never be my cup of tea, so I always shrug a bit whenever I have to do along shooting battle. But the exploration and story manage to balance it back out to being a pretty good game.

Do you really need me to explain the absolute perfection of this masterpiece? I think not! Just go play it for yourselves and understand its glory.